Egypt’s Essam El-Gindy gets 3rd GM norm!

GM-elect Essam El-Gindy
Essam El-Gindy had long been one of Egypt’s top players. He joins Ahmed Adly and Bassem Amin as member of elite Grandmaster status. El-Gindy has already surpassed the requisite 2500 rating so he will be conferred his title later this year. He becomes the 7th African player to have earned Grandmaster-level status. He follows Amon Simutowe who is still trying to earn the required 2500 ELO rating.
Egypt has a unique position in that the country shares allegiances between Africa (geographically) and the Middle East (culturally). Most of the Egyptian players play in Arab and European countries where the competition is available. Egypt remains the continental powerhouse and is the reigning champion. Congratulations to El-Gindy!
These is great news for Chess Africa!
Dear Drum readers & Chess enthusiasts, allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate and commend Essam for achieving the milestone of GRANDMASTER!
This title of GM will not be bestowed upon a more nicer “African” than Essam. A gentle man with a cool demeanor, kindness to others which transcends colour and creed and overall a chessplayer you can call a friend. El Gindy will always crinch and scould fellow countrymen who see themselves as “arabs first” instead of always as “Africans only”. Perhaps that may explain why this Arab has sometimes expressed a muted wish to live away from the cacooning culture of Egypt. I mean he plied his trade in America for a while, he told me he does not like to globe trod in search of fame and fortune in the name of chess, but will accept long-term excursions, of course because and together with his wife and daughter, to even considering permanent relocation to a foreign country within AFRICA. That is a desire of an African!
On a personal note, Essam is the reason why IM.Kobese (His friend
or even brother as he likes to refer to Watu!) got his first Laptop computer. You must appreciate that when he got an upgraded version, he could “only let Kobese have it” as in contained “my life’s career”. In the same spirit of Africa, in the continental champs held in Zambia 2006, faced with the ferocious speculative Bishop sacrifice on c4 early by his “brother” in a “do or die” game that meant “one must die” or not qualify, Essam chose to not capture and went on to miss the financially rewarding trip to the World Chess Championships in Russia. What will astound you is the show remarkable maturity of not only accepting the “trickery” of the awsome Kobese and wish him well all the way, but ended up recommending the game to “Chess informat” for comendation! He loved the game he said!
Africa; a better ambassador for the game is rare, few to come by and in abundance do not exist! GM. Essam El gindy is the ONE. He intimated the burning desire for the title the most recent to me in Namibia (Afri-Champs07). But guess what? He shocked me with sincere pride whispers sipping a drink in the bar with me by adding that Simutowe (Amon) deserved it better, given Bassem & Adley successes. You see? Now tell me of anyone who thinks out of the box like that! He always is humble in his great achievements.
Well done Essam, Africa salutes you!
Ps. Amen Rezouk notched the title recently too!!!!
Viva my roll-call………
Viva GM05 ; Ahmed Adley
Viva GM06 ; Amin Bassem
Viva GM07 ; Amen Rezouk
Viva GM08 ; Essam El Gindy
In waiting…..and finger crossed….
Go GM09 ; Amon Simutowe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for reading and NOW blog your LOVE! : 😀
Let’s get the correct tally for Africa…
1. GM Slim Bouaziz (Tunisia)
2. GM Hichem Hamdouchi (Morocco)
3. GM Slim Belkhodja (Tunisia)
4. GM Ahmed Adly (Egypt)
5. GM Bassem Amin (Egypt)
6. GM Aimen Rizouk (Algeria)
1. GM-elect Amon Simutowe (Zambia)
2. GM-elect Essam El-Gindy (Egypt)
Simutowe’s status is conditional on rating; El-Gindy merely needs conferral from FIDE. Did we miss anyone?
thank you alot Jackie for your nice words
it made me really happy
thank you again !! 😆
Congratulations Grandmaster Essam El-Gindy
We are all proud of you !
pureinmind from Egypt
Congratulations Essam, you really desreve it.
Thank you very much pureinmind and Mamato
Salaam Essam! I hope to meet you in Dresden for the Olympiad. One day I plan to return to Egypt. I have not been there in many years, but it was a memorable trip for me and changed my life. Perhaps in the future you, Ahmed and Bassem will be able to come to the states inshallah.
Thank you very very much Daaim
Hope to see you soon at Dresden for the Olympiad , or Egypt.
Please keep in touch
Congrats Essam !!!
You really deserve the title .I specialy liked your game against Prominov a while back and thought to myself this guy is really a GM!
Salam and hope to see you in Egypt
Dear Essam and all Egyptians
Can you kindly help me find a place where I could take chess courses in Egypt
Your help is highly appreciated, and your achievement is highly respected
Ossama El Maghraby\
Maybe you can contact Gihan el-Sihhar, she is very knowledgeable of Egyptian chess and is the mother and manager of WIM Mona Khaled. Contact her at