2011 African Individual Championships

Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique

The 2011 African Individual Championships are currently being held in Maputo, Mozambique from June 3rd-14th. There are three remaining spots at stake for the World Championships qualifier and top seed Ahmed Adly will lead the charge to challenge defending African Champion, Bassem Amin. Egypt actually has the top five contestants followed by IMs Kenny Solomon of South Africa. At press time, Robert Gwaze of Zimbabwe has not arrived, but has already qualified through the 4.3 subzonal. Ten countries are represented. The other countries representing are: Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia.

GM Bassem Amin
Egypt’s GM Bassem Amin, Defending African Champion

There has been little coverage thus far on the tournament but The Chess Drum will begin coverage through the end of the tournament. The results can be follow at chess-results.com. Unfortunately, the site has listed “Portugal” as the site when clearly the tournament is being held in Africa (Maputo, Mozambique). It is certainly the African Championships. The women’s championship is being held concurrently and is led by defending champion, WGM Melissa Greeff of South Africa. Both South Africa and Egypt have half of the sixteen players entered with four apiece. Like the open competition, there are ten countries.

Chief Arbiter: IA Carlos Oliveira Dias
Results (Men): https://chess-results.com/tnr50993.aspx?lan=1
Results (Women): https://chess-results.com/tnr50992.aspx?lan=1
Games (PGN): Men Women
Photos (Gunther van den Bergh): picasaweb.google.com


  1. Hi Daaim

    Coverage of the event can be found at the following address:

    Unfortunately the internet connection here in Maputo is extremely weak and we make updates whenever possible.

    The reason why the results (on chess-results.com) is listed under Portugal is because Mozambique does not have a registered copy of the software (Swiss Manager) being used. The Chief Arbiter (Carlos Dias, from Portugal) is using his registered copy and only has upload rights via the Portuguese upload site.

    Best regards

    Gunther van den Bergh
    Deputy Arbiter

  2. Forgot to mention, pictures of the event can be found via the Chess South Africa website (www.chessa.co.za/articles.aspx?art=73)

  3. GM Amon Simutowe not playing because of unpaid allowances by the current Zambian Chess Federation? They’re not paying a national hero??? The only activity I’ve seen on the net from GM Simutowe is the 129th Oxford University versus Cambridge University match back in March where he was the highest rated player for Oxford. Oxford won. Historically Cambridge leads these annuals 56-53.

  4. Zambians are on fire.

    For Adly-Chumfwa I predict a draw. For Jere-Steel I predict a win by Jere. I’m also expecting that Richmond Phiri might win his game against Erickson.

    This is how balanced African Individual is supposed to be like!!

    1. Either you underestimates Adly or overestimates Chumfwa ! Lol… greetings from Cairo, Egypt…
      Zambian talented players have to leave Zambia and lay chess abroad to gain more experience. Why do not they cams and stay 6 months in Egypt?
      First they play many tournaments against Egyptian players, second they will be closer to Europe to join Euro tournaments,
      it is just a suggestion !!

  5. Adly Ahmed is dangerous! I went through his games. The first time I saw him was in 2001 wen he won the Africa Junior as a small boy in Lusaka, Zambia. I saw his games and I knew in a few years he would be Africa’s top most GM. Congratulations Adly. I also congratulate Daniel Jere, Stanley Chunfwa, Richmond Phiri, Dimba James and Epah Tembo for playing well in the tourney. You tried your best to represent Zambia guys! Thanks for putting as on the map once again. Soon we will produce a second GM.

    1. yeah,he is good.but i wud have luved watchn him play wit Gwaze or Simutowe.atleast we were able to see fine games from our own african players.ay to go africa!!!

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