Fire on Board! (Stancil vs. Newcomb)

Fire on Board features a game from Dr. Kimani Stancil in a theoretical battle against Murray Newcomb. Dr. Stancil has been in the Bay area working as a professional researcher in nanoscience… a hot topic. You’ll have to ask him what nanoscience is about.
I asked him about his dissertation a while back and he spent almost 30 minutes explaining the technical details of the characteristics of gels. 😕 Actually it was interesting stuff and the M.I.T. grad always has an interesting perspective on things.
In this game, he dishes out a beatdown enroute to an 8/8 score at the Masters/Experts Invitational at the famous Mechanics Institute in San Francisco.
I’m trying to reconnect with Murray Newcomb who I knew years ago when we both worked for Boeing, here on the west coast. Wonder if this is the same Murray Newcomb. I’m really just writing to see if Chess Murray is my Murray and to reconnect. Murray, if you see this, hmmm, can you email back or just post??
Hello Sandra,
If you write me at, I will either forward your
info to Murray or provide you with Murray’s email. {I prefer not to
broadcast it here since he did not make the choice to provide it to the
public or to this blog.}
Kimani A. Stancil, PhD
Hi Sandy
Good to hear from you. I am back in Maryland, but I was in SF long enough to have Kimani take me apart. 🙂
He has my email.
Hey Murray, did you ever frequent the 5th and Market Street chess tables in SF? I may have run into you there reviewing some games from Mechanics tournament. Not sure if it was you, but the gentleman I was listening to talked about being “booked out” on certain lines of the Sicilian, and just waiting for an opponent to test his lines.
While I was at that time there, by Sep 2007 I was gone.
I don’t remember reviewing my games there, could have.
Booked out on the Sicilian – hum, trouble with certain lines is they do not get played. 🙂
OK, I’m an idiot. I wrote you guys in 2008 and it never occurred to me to check the blog. I was thinking of responses only in terms of email. Cleaning up a few things and lo-and-behold.
Murray if you’re still out there, I’ll try to reach you via Kimani. 🙂