9th All-Africa Games (Algiers, Algeria)


The 9th All-Africa Games has started on today with approximately 9,000 athletes from throughout the African continent. The sports festival runs from today July 11th through July 23rd. A report out of Algiers by Aliou Goloko stated,

A total of 3,800 referees will oversee athletes competing in 27 sports, up from the 22 which featured during the 2005 Games in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Algerian government has spent more than U.S. $100 million to renovate the eight villages housing athletes, and 1,000 Algerian and 450 foreign journalists have been accredited to cover the Games.

Chess is one of the competing sports and both a team and blitz tournament will be held. There have been some issues with teams being unable to fund their expenses for the trip, visa problems and top African players nixing the tournament, but we can expect a very exciting and competitive team tournament. Security will be tight given the recent spate of bombings.

The African Individual Championship takes place next month August 31st through September 11th in Windhoek, Namibia.


  1. While we are waiting for the news of the chess action at the All Africa Games, I would like to make the following observation:

    The Chess at the All Africa Games is one of the rare occasions when most of the top chess players in Africa have the opportunity of competing together (as a complete group of chess playing countries that is) and this should not be so. Apart this event, there has to be some other high level tournaments taking place in between the All Africa Games and the Olympiad to give African chess players the needed norms while sharpening their chess skills for future events.

    I know Daaim and I have talked about this already, but does anyone have any ideas or comments on how to plan for just that kind of tournament? More importantly how to attract sponsors for such a big tournament in the future if one were to be organized. I think we have far too many talented players in Africa to just sit by and watch them disappear into the sunset because of lack of opportunities to grow chess wise.

  2. Does anyone one have any inside info on the current results of the chess competition in Algeirs? I would like to know how the Kenyan team is performing

  3. As a member of the Kenyan Olympiad team to the Turin Olympiad I had the opportunity to see how Chess friendly technology has developed phenomenonly. As I finished my game friends and fellow chessplayers in Naiobi were already analysing and posting comments on how badly I had been mauled in a game that had just ended.Though this mauling happened quite oftenly I was awed and impressed at how spectators got the games fast. in its report on 10 years of FIDE the world governing body mentioned the inclusion of Chess in the All African games as an achievement, do we have fide representatives at the games in the 9th edition, and why has FIDE not made arrangements to broadcast the games in the internet yet they have the resources and such details would boost popularity and publicity which would tickle down to the players? Read Simutowe’s problems due from the 8th edition.Governments and sponsors will chip in more when the game becomes more visible.Thanks.

  4. Dear chess Friend

    The website in Algeria on Chess is now up and running, however sadly it is still lagging somewhat!

    Well here are the Positions after the 8th round, but please, for your ease of reference and a “head to head team clashes go to http://www.chessacademy.co.za.

    Position One: Egypt ( 26,5 points)
    Position Two: Zambia (21,5 points)
    Position Three: Nigeria (20 points)
    Position Four: South Africa (18,5)

    Analysis of positions: Please note that while Zambia is playing well partly because Nase Lungu is raking in the points, they still have to take a free day! Just as well the Nigerians.

    Position One: Algeria (20,5 Points)
    Position Two: Nigria (18,5 Points)
    Position Three: South Africa (15 Points)

    Check out the INDIVIDUAL “Head to Head” which is in fact a “Dress rehearsal” of the Africa Qualification to be held in Namibia later in August 2007. VERY INTERESTING STATS!


    Yours in assistance,

    Jackie Ngubeni

  5. What about game scores? I can’t believe in the 21st century we can’t get them. All Kenyans back here want to know how there countrymen are playing.

  6. Dear Chess Friends
    I hereby continue to partially lift the veil of secrecy or is it sheer incompetence ( you pick your choice!) on the ALL Africa Games:Chess out of Algeria.
    The results are 100% accurate. While sadly, NO GAMES, PHOTOS or ACCESS to this Africa monumental chess event. I dream of an Africa with Top players (GM’s, IM’s) playing in GREAT African events. I wake up to this NIGHTMARE! Well………..?
    Here are the results after 10 Rounds!

    Position 1: Egypt   (31   Points)
    Position 2: Zambia (28   Points)
    Position 3:  Nigeria (25   Points)
    Position 4:  RSA    (23,5 Points)
    Position 5: Zimbabwe (21 Points)
    Position 6: Angola (21 Points)
    Position 7: Algeria ( 19 Points)
    Position 1: Algeria     (23    Points)
    Position 2: Nigeria     (21,5 Points)
    Position 3: RSA          (20   Points)
    Position 4: Botswana (14,5 Points)
    Position 5: Egypt        (13   Points)
    Position 6: Libya        (4,5  Points)
    I had a detailed discussion with Musatwe Simutowe (Amon’s elder brother) who is based with my Academy in RSA and he offered this suprisingly candid opinion: ” I am not surprised by Zambia crushing South Africa 3-1 (Round 10) in the and drubbing Algeria 3,5-0,5. (Round 9) In my country chess rivalry amongst players is combative and competitive. Nase Lungu is for instance a seasoned player who you will underestimate at your own peril! Zambia is the power-house of Sub-Sahara Chess, I say to the team well done guys!”
    More on this candid interview by Musatwe and detailed”head to head” clashes; check https://www.chessacademy.co.za/
    Hope you appreciate the coverage, cheers friends.
    Jackie Ngubeni

  7. Dear Chess Friends
    Zambia holds the Pharohs to confirm Musatwe’s confident assertions. It may not be a firm gripon silver as South Africa turned on the heat with Kenya(3,5-0,5). Nigeria men watched from the side-line while their Dames slowed down the Algerians with a 2,5-1,5 win. Botswana ladies were steam rolled 3,5-0,5 by South Africa.

    I concur with Daaim’s predictions of 1-2-3 of Egypt,RSA & Zambia respectively on condition that the inept South Africa take full advantage of Zambia’s dropped points of earlier rounds.

  8. In a world that is rapidly technologically advancing when will we
    Africans stand up to be counted???
    I lay the blame of this black-out of chess information on the doorsteps of the Algerian Chess Federation.
    Surely they must be involved in the organization of the chess events of the all Africa games holding in their own country.
    What stopped them from sending out daily reports to FIDE and to other web sites like the chessdrum???
    There is a strong need for personal initiative among chess lovers
    ( players, arbiters, federation officials, journalists,etc. ) especially on the African continent otherwise our hope of moving our chess forward will remain a mirage.

  9. Dear Chess Friends, (be the 1st to know!)
    All Africa Chess section awarded Team medals for Positions and Individual Board perfomances!
    Men’s Teams: Egypt grabbed Gold (40 Points)!, South Africa (34,5 Points) held-on to Silver by a whisker. Zambia (34 Points) clutched Bronze wondering why they dropped valuable points against meanows when they clobbered RSA and became heroes against Pharohs! Nigeria played well to come 4th.
    Board medals: Egypt 4(3xGold, 2xSilver), South Africa ( Gold & Bronze), Zambia (Silver & 2xBronze). Nigeria don’t go home empty handed but with Board six bronze.
    “Mr.100%” Olympiad Gold medalist ROBERT GWAZE made a sterling comeback by clinching Silver on Board One after El Gindy(Egy) secured GOLD!
    Ladies Teams: Algeria(28,5) bagged Gold, South Africa(RSA) were Silver girls(26) and Nigeria(25,5) settled for Bronze after loosing 2,5-1,5 to RSA. Botswana go home empty handed!

    Board medals:Algeria(Gold,2xSilver & Bronze), RSA(2xSilver & Bronze)
    Nigeria ladies collected 3xGold 7 Bronze.
    Botswana (With only WGM in Africa) salvaged pride when Lopang took Bronze for her efforts on Board 2.
    I published more details on http://www.chessacademy.co.za! Including “head to head” team & Individual clashes.
    Best wishes & Congrats to winners!!!
    Jackie Ngubeni


  10. Hello there,

    I definitely agree this is all crap. No games, no info, nothing, in the 21st century. I managed to compile temporart tournament review (see https://www.olimpbase.org/2007f/2007in.html) from what i managed to extricate from that terrible web site (coja2007.dz).

    there are still more questions than answers. There is no single game available (I believe they have been lost since this was an active chess rather than classical time control), I even don’t know whether White-Black pairing is correct altogether. In some cases (Kenya round 1,Nigeria round 2, STP round 3&6) player order was apparently broken, why? (I don’t mean board stacking, just messing up player line-up). Not to mention spelling of players’ names is worse than awful (like Qwaz=Gwaze!!??)

    By the way, since African Team Championship was abandoned in 1997 (most probably) this tournament also acts as continental championship, a 2009 World Team Championship qualifier (bravo Egypt).

    If you spot extra data (games, pics, etc) please don’t forget to post it here so that everyone could get a line.


  11. Thank you Daaim & Jackie ( worthy African brothers )and OlimpBase (is this your real name?) for your efforts in covering the chess events of the 9th AAG .
    Congratulations to the players who won medals ( and to those who did not ! ).
    Hope we have better organisation next time.



    Position One: GM Ahmed Adley : Gold Medal (Egypt)
    Position Two: GM Amin Bassem : Silver Medal (Egypt)
    Position Three: IM Watu Kobese : Bronze Medal (South Africa)


    Position One: WIM Mona Khaled : Gold Medal (Egypt)
    Position Two: WFM Jenine Ellappen : Silver Medal (South Africa)
    Position Three: WIM Hayed : Bronze Medal (Algeria)


    The Egyptian team is proving to be too strong in the continent by securing Gold for both Men and Women in the Blitz medals section. The absence of the “super fast” players of the continent, Fouad El-Taher and Robert Gwaze in the top three is somewhat a surprise. After all IM. El Taher is known for his quick thinking prowes. He won this event in Abuja, Nigeria. IM Robert Gwaze is lightning fast within five minutes. In the INTERNET he rumbles with the best, and has earned respect from the likes of GMs Nigel Short and Teimour Radjabov.

    It is understandable that the youthful Egyptian newly crowned GMs are a class above the rest in Africa. The veteran IM Watu Kobese is not to be underestimated. He “Blitzed” El Taher in the play-off to qualify in the Africa Championships 2006. The women section was won by the teenager WIM Mona Khaled. This little girl is the shining star of the continent and it is apparent that she is destined to attain the WGM crown and she will wear it with great pride!


  13. j’ai participé au jeux !! si vous pouvez me montrer un site ou jpeu voir des photos !!jporté la pancarte du mali !!! 🙂

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