Contributor: Zebedee Fortman II (coach) Country: USA
Questions in red were unanswered.
Common Questions by Beginning Players
1. What is a good age to start teaching my child to play chess? I believe it is different for each individual but it should be when the student shows a desire to learn chess i.e. after watching people play chess. 2. What are some tips on learning to play chess? for children? for teenagers? for adults? Start from the simple and move to the more complex.
3. Can you recommend some helpful books for a beginner? Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess by Bobby Fischer; Beginning Chess by Bruce Pandolfini; Logical Chess Move by Move by Irving Chernev.
4. Which phase of the game should I study the most? (opening, middlegame, endgame) For a beginner tactics in the middlegame.
5. What are some sound opening principles to follow? In the opening develop your piece quickly. Develop to control the center and secure king safety. Don't move the same piece twice or make more than one or two pawn moves in the opening.
6. Do you recommend computer chess programs for learning chess? Yes if used properly.
7. What are the benefits of playing in tournaments? Make new friends.
8. Is there a particular etiquette for tournaments? Learning how to win or lose with grace.
9. I'm tired of losing. What can I do to get better? Annotate your games then go over them use a stronger player.
10. How many moves should I think ahead? One and a half most of the time. Your move, your opponent's move and then your response.
Common Questions by Intermediate Players 1. How do I choose an opening repertoire? Find a great master that plays the type of chess positions that enjoy playing and use his repertoire.
2. Is it a good practice to memorize openings? No! You must understand the plans and tactics of an opening first.
3. How do I know which pieces to trade? By understanding what the pawns are telling you.
4. Which phase of the game should I study the most? (opening, middlegame, endgame) You just make a choice and it is the right move or you will learn why your choice was not the correct move.
5. What can I do to improve my tactical vision? Get a good book of tactical problem and go over the problems in the book until you can solve each problem in a only few seconds.
6. Why study endgames if my games don't last that long? Taught properly they teach planning and calculation, which is needed in all phases of the game.
7. Can you recommend some helpful books for an intermediate player? Study well annotated games of Jose Capablanca and Alexander Alekhine.
8. Should I play blitz chess? Internet chess? Learn to play slow chess properly first, then add some blitz.
9. Is it a good idea to use computer programs to analyze my games? Only after you have annotated your games first.
10. How can I avoid time pressure? Play training games where your object is to manage your time properly and the result is unimportant.
Common Question by non-Master Players
What methods did you use to become a chess master? How long did it take?
Submitted: 29 February 2004