This issue's "Fire on Board" will feature two games, both analyzed by the winner. The first is a most powerful game played at the 1997 New Jersey Open by Shearwood McClelland III (2232) against GM Alexander Stripunsky (2563). After having just finished a 6-hour game with FM (now IM) Gregory Shahade, Woody (as he is called) would sit down to face the dangerous Russian emigre, GM Stripunsky. The year 1997 was magical for Woody as he captured the U.S. Junior Championship and had a top-20 finish in the U.S. Open!! Thus, Woody was brimming with confidence and proceeded to score the upset and with it, the 1997 state title. He would also successfully defend this title in 1998, and as he puts it, ". . . silencing those who attempted to belittle the 1997 crown."

See A. Stripunsky - S. McClelland
NM Shearwood MClelland III

The second game, published in the October 1985 issue of U.S. Chess Life, is perhaps one of those games that you dream of playing. FM Philip Corbin of Barbados uncorked a brilliancy (over Peter Chubinsky) which shook the tournament hall and led him to a tie for 2nd place in the Under-2200 section. Fellow "Bajan" countryman, FM Ron Buckmire would tie for 1st place in the same section. FM Corbin is known for his very aggressive style and called by some, "The Caribbean Tal." In the game that follows, he certainly lives up to this name as you are about to witness one of the most brilliant displays of attacking chess that has been articulated over the board. Enjoy!!

See Philip Corbin - Peter Chubinsky
FM Philip Corbin

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