Bennett  speaks on "Turning Kids into Kings and Queens"

Washington DC's WAMU (88.5 FM) , a National Public Radio affiliate, recently ran an interview on "The Kojo Nnamdi Show" on student self-esteem. The title of the segment was "How chess can turn at-risk kids into kings and queens," and was held  on the 12th of  June at American University Radio. The guests on the show were:

Fernando Moreno, School Counselor, ESOL Office, Montgomery County and author of "Teaching Life Skills Through Chess"

Vaughn Bennett, Executive Director, The National Chess Foundation (formerly The Olympic Chess House)

Interview is approximately 12 minutes long and you should fast forward the media player (at 6:57 of 18:30) unless you want to hear the preceding programs. Real Player media player is required.

Vaughn Bennett, Executive Director of the Olympic Chess House. Copyright © 2002, Daaim Shabazz.

Vaughn Bennett, Executive Director
National Chess Foundation

Listen to,
How chess can turn at-risk kids into kings and queens
(fast forward to 6:57)

Related Sources

WATESOL, "Teaching Life Skills through Chess (book review)."

Oakview Elementary, "Oakview hosts the Annual Chess Tournament," 24 May 2002.

* * *

The Chess Drum, "DC's Moten Center to vie for Scholastic Titles!
7 May 2003.

The Chess Drum, "DC's Bennett continues to make good moves,"
28 February 2003.

The Chess Drum, "Howard University on the Chess Map!"
23 December 2003.