Joshua Colas became known to the chess world last year after his "Friendship Match" with Ronnie "RJ" Nelson. Colas won that match and continues to make strides in chess. The eight-year old sensation spends a lot of time sharpening his skills at the Internet Chess Club under the name "Joshu-Kid" and the work has paid off.
Joshua competed in the statewide New York Scholastic Chess Championship and took 2nd place in the K-3 section. He tallied an undefeated 5-1 score including a last round draw with 1st place winner. Having played chess for only 1˝ years, this accomplishment is a prequel of things to come. His father Guy Colas adds, "His dream is to become the next 'Tiger Woods of Chess.'"
The very likable Joshua is fond of blitz chess and it was at the World Open that he caught the eye of The Chess Drum's Daaim Shabazz. Guy Colas' notes this son's incredible aptitude for chess and is seeking a coach and sponsorships to assist in his son's development. Those interested can contact Guy Colas at: gcolas@optonline.net.