Player: IM Amon Simutowe Country: Zambia FIDE Rating: 2462
Style: AGGRESSIVE. Amon thrives in complicated positions, a deep thinker. . . and will take risks. Seems to like ragged pawn structures and favors the two bishops. Endgame technique is superb.
Player: IM Watu Kobese Country: South Africa FIDE Rating: 2373
Style: AGGRESSIVE/POSITIONAL. Watu has a solid style with an attacking flair. Enjoys sharp play like many South Africans, but has a good positional sense and likes to maneuver.
Player: IM Michael Schleifer Country: Canada FIDE Rating: 2369
Style: VERY AGGRESSIVE. Plays very tactical chess with a vivid imagination. Michael is a very vicious attacker, and known for unorthodox ideas. Has a style that can give GMs trouble.
Player: FM William Morrison Country: USA FIDE Rating: 2381
Style: AGGRESSIVE/POSITIONAL. Positional attacker with a preference for quiet opening systems. Likes to build pressure slowly and then launch attacks with incredible force.
Player: FM Stephen Muhammad Country: USA FIDE Rating: 2307
Style: POSITIONAL/AGGRESSIVE. Stephen plays quiet systems and prefers accumulating small advantages. He then aggressively attacks weaknesses and beats down opponents with a flurry.
Player: FM Ronald Simpson Country: USA FIDE Rating: 2296
Style: VERY AGGRESSIVE. Ronald plays for mate. Will employ gambits and loves wide-open tactical play. Adventurous with the Queen and capable of producing story book brilliancies.
Player: FM Kenny Solomon Country: South Africa FIDE Rating: 2290
Style: AGGRESSIVE. Kenny has a very vivid attacking style. Employs the sharpest theoretical systems, and is tactically alert. Tends to like pawn storms and active piece play.
Player: NM Norman Rogers Country: USA FIDE Rating: 2272
Style: AGGRESSIVE/POSITIONAL. Solid player, but aggressive with the white pieces. Tactically alert, but also patient enough to grind an opponent down in the endgame.
Player: NM Grace Nsubuga Country: Uganda FIDE Rating: 2264
Style: POSITIONAL. "Nsubuga," which means quiet, systematic, and clever fits Grace's style. Prefers rare, but solid systems; looks for powerful counterattacks when opponent overextends.
Player: NM Ernest Colding Country: USA FIDE Rating: 2258
Style: AGGRESSIVE. Tactical player who likes to create opportunities with creative play. Will intuitively sacrifice a piece or the exchange for initiative and attack. Opponents must be alert.