9 January 2005 - "Chessville plays "20 Questions" with GM Ashley"David Surrat of Chessville.com has recently conducted a very interesting interview with Grandmaster Maurice Ashley. It is part of his "20 Questions" segment of interviews with high-profile… More!
9 January 2005 - "News from Sri Lanka Chess Community" I am Suneetha Wijesuriya sister of Vineetha Wijesuriya (Vineetha came for Olympiad) I am the President of the Anatoly Karpov Chess Club and you have seen lots of activities by our website. More!
2 January 2005 - "Video: TBS Pathfinder honors Orrin Hudson" In the summer in 2005, Orrin Hudson, was bestowed the "TBS Pathfinder's Award for Education" by Turner Broadcasting Station. In an inspiring video honoring Hudson… More!