Historic Moments: The 2001 World Open (Philadelphia)
Following are pictures from the historic 2001 World Open. This tournament featured a contingent of African players touring the U.S. The usual excitement filled the air as many of the Black players scored impressive results. To see a larger view of thumbnails, click on image. The colored photographs were taken by Daaim Shabazz and the black and white were taken by Frank Johnson. All copyrights are reserved.
Ahmoad Ware & Vance Williams, IM Amon Simutowe,
Post-mortem analysis John Donaldson-Pete Rogers)
FM Emory Tate, Paul Obiomiwe and Sulaiman Smith
NM Grace Nsubuga, The Jamaicans,
FM Kenny Solomon (South Africa) vs. GM Julian Hodgson (England)
Sulaiman Smith, Daaim Shabazz
Eric Johnson
The Nigerians, David Allen Jr. and David Allen Sr.,
Sulaiman Smith & Frank Johnson
IM Oladapo Adu and FM William Morrison
Alain Morais (Jamaica), Ras Malaku Lorne (Jamaica),
FM Emory Tate showing Kudrin-Tate, 0-1 (24)