2007 World Open: YouTube videos!

I just uploaded two videos to YouTube. Both are of very poor quality because I took it on my digital camera and not a digital camcorder. The first video is not very exciting, but here are some details:

This was the first round of the three-day schedule in which the players played game/45 for five rounds! GM Hikaru Nakamura plays IM Emory Tate on board one. GM Leonid Yudasin sits at the next board waiting for FM Kazim Gulamali. On board three, GM Mark Paragua faces IM Jay Bonin.

(Note: When I pan the camera to the right, you will see IM Oladapo Adu (blue cap) watching the Nakamura-Tate matchup. The room is not very crowded because not all the schedules were playing.)

Nakamura won his game by sacrificing a pawn and applying immense pressure on Tate who fell low on time. Yudasin dispatched of Gulamali. Paragua served up a beautiful mate to end that game. (click here)

The second video is from the blitz tournament… five-rounds (play both colors vs. opponent). On first board you have GM Vadim Milov facing Nakamura; on board two Gulamali faces Adam Weissbarth (not seen); on board three National Master Mark Esserman (top) is banging away in a frenzy with FM Matthew Hoekstra (not seen). Nakamura glanced down to catch the Esserman-Hoekstra time scramble. Notice all the boards are playing at noticably different speeds.

Nakamura got Milov in a mating net in this game to even the score of their match 1-1. Gulamali blanked Weissbarth 2-0 and Esserman got the best of Hoekstra 1½-½. FM Sunil Weeramantry can be seen getting up at the end.

Higher quality videos coming! Stay tuned!

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