Ending Laboratory (Rook)
Since we have seen a couple of nice rook endings in Euwe tournament, let’s see if you can solve this well-known ending.

Study by Troitsky.
Black to play and win!
Since we have seen a couple of nice rook endings in Euwe tournament, let’s see if you can solve this well-known ending.
Study by Troitsky.
Black to play and win!
Useful ending. Either everyone knows the solution, or no one enjoys these endings. I think they are very incisive and practical.
1…Kc5 2.Kc7 (white has to hide from the rook check) Kd5 3.Kd7 Ke5 4.Ke7 Kf4 5.Kf6 (5.Rf8+ Kg5 6.Rg8+ Kh6) 5…Rf1! 6.Rxh2 Kg3+ 0-1
Hi Daaim,
I just saw you had this one up. Yes, this is a great ending. I agree that tactical endings like this are very practical when you
have only a few seconds left to assess the board. Many players
would take one look at this and assume that this was an inevitable draw but having an advanced pawn and a well positioned king should always count for something-why not a win!!