2007 African Championships (Winhoek, Namibia)
Here is an excerpt from a press release from the Namibian Chess Federation website:
The African Individual Chess Championships 2007 will be held in Windhoek at the Safari Court Hotel, Kuiseb 1 & 4 rooms this coming weekend. The event starts with an opening ceremony and a cocktail function afterwards.
The field includes 3 Grandmasters, 17 International Masters, 4 FIDE Masters, 1 Candidate Master 17 FIDE rated players and 5 unrated players in the open section. 1 Woman Grandmaster, 6 Woman International Masters, 1 Woman FIDE Master, 1 FIDE rated player and 12 unrated players.In the Open section we have the favorites GM Ahmed Adly and GM Amin Bassem from Egypt who recently won the UAE Championships, IM Amon Simutowe from Zambia who just won the Max Euwe Stimulans in Arnhem (the Netherlands) where he scored his 3rd GM norm with a 2687 rating performance, IM Kenneth Solomon National Chess Champion of South Africa and IM Watu Kobese from South Africa.
In the Women’s section we have WGM Sabure Tuduetso from Botswana, the African Woman’s Champion, WIM Melissa Greef and WIM Anzel Laubscher from South Africa, WIM Sohair Basta and WIM Mona Khaled from Egypt, WIM Amina Mezioud from Algeria.
Press Release and coverage here!
Thanks for the information. Is there any information of the competitors ?
I thought we have got 2 Simutowe brothers. Is it Amon or Musatwe. https://www.chessacademy.co.za/ for the other brother details
Results can be found here:
Adly Ahmed and some other strong players lost their first games.
Hey Guys, can you please feed us with championship news.
ladies’s results guys.
thnks Doctor for updating/ :D.
who is the next champ???????
lets start predicting.
1 7 WIM Solomons Anzel 0 1 – 0 0 WIM Basta-Sohair F 1
2 2 WGM Sabure Tuduetso 0 ½ – ½ 0 Alaa El Din Yosra 8
3 9 Ezat Roos 0 0 – 1 0 WIM Greef Melissa 3
4 4 WIM Mona Khaled 0 1 – 0 0 Mbalenhie Cindi 10
5 11 Omaragbon Doris 0 1 – 0 0 WFM Mudongo Boikhutso 5
6 6 Amadasun Rosemary 0 ½ – ½ 0 Swartz Celeste 12
7 13 Swartz Stephne 0 1 – 0 0 Vilhete Vania Fausta 16
8 15 Msisua Ryoce 0 0 – 1 0 Iambo Linda 14
How can this Jackie Ngubeni is still around chess?! Please take care of this famous cheater and lier,before he tricks you again!!!
Have a look at this:
how soon before the next rounds update?
Shabazz I know why you chose Amon as your Champ elect. The guy has been in a devastating form but over confidence may ruin his chances.
It’s a shame yet again that Zambian Women are not participating at this prestigious tournament as usual. 😥
What I dont understand is the excuse that the Government and the federation will give this time around for not sending the girls to this tournament. I believe that this tournament would have been good exposure for the Zambian girls.This tournament is being held just behind Zambia and the question of travelling costs is not justified this time around.
To all the participants……I wish you well and goodluck if it ever works..May the best ‘MAN’ win.
See you next year cause I hope to be there.
Tsepiso why aren’t you playing?
Two tournament site have been created, visit http://www.namibianchessfederation.com and click on “Read more” to get all the men’s and women’s results as well as starting lists and much more!
I’ll be in Namibia on Friday…. to check on the games.. I am currently busy mining diamonds…
Good to hear from you Tshepiso,good to hear from you 🙂
Keep us posted!
Tshepiso I know that you the current Bots champ, I did you decide not to participate. You missed the chance to add the title to your belt. You should have taken advantage of your current form. Sabure is not at her best at the moment.
Adly seems to be out of form. I will also pick Amon as my champ elect considering his recent games at Euwe and US open, the Carribean tourney was a warm up ground. The good thing about Amon is, he does not stick to one line of play hence difficult to prepare for, watch his games there will be more than 5 openings that will be excecuted by him in these Tourney and that a good champ qualities. You prepare sicilian he plays caro cann. Such a difficult opponet.
Please keep updating us
The “Zambezi Shark” is unstoppable and i reckon he is gonna bag this ….lets go mwana lubuto.
However, its sad to learn tha Gals didnt travel …its a shame and i share Linda’s grief. Once again i say we shall welcome Amon when he comes to Zed and we dont want any hypocrites showing their faces and pretending to be a supportive Govt
Diplomatic passport. NICE, VERY NICE. Can Buthali & lewis explore this possibilty….came on guys! this is the start. Get llyumz to this part of the world or something, protocol fails, embezzle the thing! 😆
People are focusing on the Zambezi Shark but there there are 2 unpredictable guys like Robert Gwaze and Chumfwa, they may not take it but they will display brilliant performances. Watch out for some more upsets caused by these 2 chaps.
Well,chumfwa is quiet unpredictable and he can cause major upsets, actually he is known for that down here. As for Gwaze, I wouldnt say much about him cause I havent heard much about his performance lately..(Hey Daaim spill the juice on the young man),but if we talk about going by past Glory,then Robert is a very strong force to reckon with.
The debate is hot down here, with news paper editorials urging the government to give Amon his rightfully earned place as a diplomat of this sport and hence give him a diplomatic passport.This will surely be a great honour and with Amon’s achievement and going by past govt activities,I am 93% certain that they will give him this passport.
It’s a pity that Amon’s brilliant performance and achievements have been overshadowed by the sudden death of Zambian football striker Chaswe Nsofwa. I hope that when this whole sad episode is done with,they will not forget to honour the ‘shark’ .
As for all the Zambian players in Namibia, Amon, Chitumbo, Chumfwa ,Musatwe and Richmond I say GO GET ‘EM BOYS!
Nows your chance to shine and Glow!As USUAL! for the MOTHERLAND! One more time Go!
Hey guys, let me guess who will win this,,,,, , mmmmmmmmmm , imposible to guess, who would have thought both defending champs would be here by round three!!
This just goes to show how much hidden talent there is in Africa.
Hi can anyone help me .I am in the uk and trying to get hold of Robert Gwaze .I got chess software for him
any one help?
Robert Gwaze and Amon are both technical and incisive, the only difference is that one has had more exposurer than the other. Robert posses immense hidden talent, recall how he took the world by surprise at (Bled) Slovenia. The few tournaments that he went to always leaves a lasting impression. I see him making it into top 6. Thats one talented player disadvantaged by geographic position.
Its tough to predict the winner right now but I can sense the shift of powers from Upper Hemisphere to Southern Africa.
you can send them over shever
Does anyone know why Watu Kobese is not playing?
I ‘ve got a feeling that this is gonna be Robert Gwaze’s tournament. Remember what he did in Bled. Gwaze is gonna win it with a near perfect score. The lad is very strong. He is certainly the strongest player in that field. Dont be misled by the rating 2413. It just reflects that unlike most of the top players in the field, he hasnt played in many rated tournaments. His actual rating should be around 2600.
I couldn’t agree with you more Gata, most African chess players do not deserve their rating, finace is the major draw back in this continent you know.
Watu is busy working on a book. Learning material for beginners. He intends to write for intermediate and advanced as well. Publishers gave him a short notice to have finished the draft. He is doing good. Let’s support the brother by buying the books once out.
Exposure is all that is needed in this country to show how talented we are. Now the so called stong players of this continent will loose a lot of rating points because they are playing the so called week opponents because they have been labeled week by the international rating when infact we know that these guys are just as strong. African Chess will remain unpredictable in many more years to come because of lack of exposure.
I think the guy with the Highest performance rating at the moment is Providance Oatlhotse and my God check out Adly’s.
Hi Mr Daaim Shabazz I have tried that email address he does not use it anymore . We are trying to help our home boy but seems its had to get to him.
If you can help tell him to get in touch i just need an address to send the software like megabase and popular kasparov, shirov video lectures and lots more
Thanks in advance
I may be a complete patza Shever but I don’t think tournament days are supposed to be for practice, instead you should be analysing your games. Practise b4, analysis …. during. So let me send you my details and send those over. 😀 😀 😀
I know otty but after the tourn you need tp practise and you need material so chill out
I suppose this is not the Shever Mapira I know?
Oatlhotse is the main man.Come on Lepro
Big events will come after there is plenty of money in Africa.
We need good organisers like the Europeans since they know what they are upto.
The guys have mini exposure. African have talents the problem is development and leaders.
African federations are not united believe me.
Gwaze is now leading the tourney. I think we need a seperate blog. Wish Gwaze the best against Simutowe.
While we are all ecstatic with the performances of Gwaze, Simutowe, (and for me) Onabogun, we should not forget that this is just the half-way mark. There are FIVE Egyptians within a point of the lead, and GM Adly can be a streaky young fellow, especially as he is playing the “Swiss Gambit” schedule now. At the end, there will be quite a few draws, and it could be anybody’s tourney to win. Let’s not break out the champagne yet!
Another upset against the top seed by Gwaze. Is the battle of the titans that is about to come Amon vs Robert. Expect tactics, art of defence and attack and positional play. Talent will not be the matter, it will be about one will be unlucky not to have won. But should Gwaze win then expect fireworks throughout the tourney. he has a tendency to maintain perfect score.
go go mr Gwaze show the how we do it in zimbabwe. special thanks to Mandizha as well i think you are pulling up as well. the swiss gambit can work. Gwaze will beat Simutowe i reckon, the least he can get is 1/2 a point. Hey mr Gwaze dont forget The spirit of Fischer is in you. Perfect score thats all we need ➡
The Simutowe vs Gwaze will be a battle of titans and predicting who would win would be foolhardy. There tends to be a feeling of belonging when predicting winners but from a professional viewpoint, it will be a tough game.
Both players are motivated (Amon by becoming latest GM and Gwaze by beating GM Belkodja and wanting to emulate Amon).
I reckon though that Amon is tired have played about 50+ games in 60 days. That is energy-sapping but should he reboot his energies he is likely to take it. What with him playing white!
Gwaze though is not a push-over and expecting him to just falter is downgrading a player of great qualities.
It’s a wait and see game.
May the better player on the day win
🙂 I give it Gwaze. Like you said the shark is tired and he will do everything to show the new GM his true colors.
Gwae does it again
Updates just received an email saying Gwaze has beaten Simutowe
Anybody out there!! Can you pliz keep us posted with updates, and pliz don’ shift from this blog.
We are very good at raising money for beauty contests for our girl child and it appears we very much ready to spend for big brother Africa instead of organizing for chess tournaments like the one in Namibia. How are you going to convince us to keep away from bad vices when you keep on demolising us. Even when results are there to see. Give chess as an example, by pumping more money and sending more players to Namibia in the sport which is doing fine. Am sorry to say that how i will wish Amon was a Briton or American, you where going to see how our ZNBC or media was going to cover Amon. Iam one of the sleeping giants in chess who started chess in Chililabombwe and am proud that i had chance of playing chess with Amon and Chumfwa when they were playing for Zamsure. And am also glad that i represented Southern Province in a Nico Insuarance tournament in 2004 and met people like Linda Nangwale at Chrismar Hotel. It pains me to see how chess is neglected in Zambia. Too bad for you Linda. You guys make some stop overs in Livingstone. Let me have your e-mail addresses including the one for Chanda Nsakanya. Am wishing the guys at the tourney all the best.
Bad day for the Zambezi Shark. He succumbs to the Monomotapa Warrior in Round five. Amon tells me fatigue is having a serious bearing on his game. He has played 50+ in two months which is too much.
Gwaze has 5 points and Amon 3.5. A bit tricky now but the Zimbabwean has all under his armpits. It’s all his to lose. But there will be tricky matchups in the next four rounds and it would be folly of anyone to declare a winner now.
Egyptians will surely have a good run in the last rounds and Aderito of Angola is also having a tournament to remember.
It’s all systems go.
Rust overcame fatigue factor, another upset against the most favoured. I dont see egyptians doing anything extraordinary. I dont yet declare Gwaze a winner but he is widening the gap. Egyptians have stambling blocks in the likes of Gwaze, Amon, Aderito and Onabogun. So tough luck Egyptians. Gwaze has a devastating tactics as one said he thrives in complications. Gwaze is a walking Fritz.
What a good run Aderito Pedro has in this tournament! Its a pity somebody is just about to spoil his party. With the white piecies, the 6th point should be an easy one for “Fischer”.
Hats off to the “Tapa Warrior” ..it shows that we got skills in Southern Africa. The Shark didnt survive the “Gwaz Spear” bt he lives to fight another day!
Once again congrats to the guys across the Zambezi as i say go get them GwazMan ………..pamberi ne chimurenga !!!!!
one luv
Not quite sir. There is no way rust can overcome fatigue. The argument, if any, that the boy has been playing every week from the US, T and T, Dutch and now African Individual. all these are energy-sapping events.
You to replenish your energy before each but Amon has been competing expressely. So one can’t talk about rust, it must be fatigue ( may I bother you to check definition).
Don’t rule out the Egyptians. I suspect they have a special package. I see them grabbing three of the six top positions. Other positions are reserved for Gwaze, Amon and Aderito. Period.
You used some Greek I could not undestand when you talked about pamberi ne chimurenga. Checked my English diction but failed.
Simplify it for the sake of all of us. But I still get the point — You’re congratulating Gwaze for spearing the Zambezi Shark. Your comments not misplaced because beating Amon in whatever state he may be is not easy.
Otherwise the Mono warrior has had a good run so far.
well done robert…. keep up the momentum
Amongst peers who have played with him right when he burst into the chess scene, there has never been any doubt about Gwaze’s talent and potential. He has always been a solid GM prospect. I hope he will continue his winning streak!
The tourney will unfold today. 2 of the best in Sub Saharan battling, its not only about winning at Namibia, its about who is best in Southern Africa, its about 2 Rhodesian states, its about the 2 states with Z. Its neighbourhood battle. Its about winning medals at Olympiads. These 2 have a lot in common. Amon stole it before at african Zonal, will history repeat or will it be a sweet revenge. Currently Amon seems a notch high as his exposure to various Tourney while Robert was busy sharpening his skills secrectly. Lets see what he has to uncover now. I know Shabazz will opt for Amon but dont rule out the unexpected.
To me Robert Gwaze’s win against GM Belkhodja Slim is not an upset. Coz i know he is much stronger than all the participants in this tournament, and he is gonna prove it! You may disagree with me now but i know after round 9 you will see the light. In today’s game Amon Simutowe may be lucky to escape with a draw since he is playing the white pieces. Though i have a feeling that Gwaze will still be able to manage the full point. Simutowe’s best chance is to avoid complications. Coz Gwaze thrive in them.
You are very right, Egyptians may emerge the winners in the last round cause they are just 1/2 a point behind. So far they are not on the lime light but will be last round. People are anxious about the 2 lads.
Thankls for the java games on the drum.
the Monomutapa warrior vs The zambezi shark…..uhmn lets see who gets ‘biten’
Wow!! It took them awhile to update the result but when they did it confirmed what some have been saying here all along that Gwaze Robert is definitely a GM in the waiting. He was able to defeat Simutowe to retain his leading position. It will be interesting to see how he performs against the Egyptian GMs. This is turning out to be great. Also. GM Adly Ahmeed who got pounced in the first two rounds seems to be waking up too. The fight in this tournament is not over by any means.
You and me are talking one line, Gwaze is presumed to be rusty as he has not been currently active. . As for Amon is fatigue that has taken its toll. He has been exhaused from various tournaments across the globe. Conclusion is the rusty overcame the tired one.
As for Egyptians they will be knocking each other out and Aderito, the warrior and the Shark will make sure it wont be an easy win for them. Should Gwaze win round 6 then it will be too late for Egyptians.
Against all odds, GWAZE is leading!!!! That guy is a GM in the making and so watch out for him.
I told you guys that we’ve got a lot of stars in Africa!!! 😛
I think all the boost in our African players comes from IM Simutowe getting the final GM norm, especially IM Gwaze. I bet he was like, ” i can do it too”. ❗
He probably wants to be officially crowened GM b4 Amon!! Do you guys see it happening????? 🙄
Correct… I must have misunderstood you. Sorry about that. I initially thought you were attributing rust to Amon and not that you were contrasting rust (Gwaze) to fatigue (Amon). You gave it to rust, which is correct in that context.
Egyptians will surely cancel each other out but four rounds is a long way.
One lesson for all of you guys.
: LOSS is LOSS and WIN is WIN. It ends there, especially in chess. No excusses please, i hate that. Be responsible for your doings. If you lost, search your mistakes and if you won keep it up!!
Come on Guys!! Enough with that , it is just irritating,
Pamberi is forward and chimurenga = struggle …there you have.
“Forward with the struggle” …i read it from a Zimbabwean novel about FREDOM. Am from Zambia but i will Always remember that freedom slogan…PAMBERI!!!!
One luv
It’s a fact that a loss is a loss and a win is a win but let people dissect their games. That cannot be mistaken for excusses. Analyses can never be execuses. Ofcourse when you lose, you must understand what has caused it unless it was just a battery.
There you are, pamberi is forward and chimurenga is freedom. I guess that’s Shona. You coined right my man. PAMBERI CHIMURENGA!!!!
Didn’t Gwaze earn his second GM norm when he won gold at the Olympiad?
Where is Watu? iam really rooting for Amon`s recovery. i agree with kelly`s sentiments. if our chess players were footballers,they would have been given diplomatic passports. Amon has done us proud.If we had just a tenth of whats spent on football Cephas Sichilima,Lahende Ndhlovu,Nase Lungu(playing pool now?),stanley chumfwa and the others would have been masters of reckon. One sees their frustrations.Talent has never been a question. Hey whats happening Stanley? Watch out for Adly pipo. Daaim,will Hamadouchi ever grace the African championships? U r doing a great job my man!Like you say…keep the drum beating!!!
Hi there everyone involved in this good and interesting game of chess!! I was supposed to check on you guyz in Windhoek with Tshepiso and Miti tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to take care of some serious staff at work. Shiver Mapiri, Robert Gwaze, Chumfwa, Anzel(Though you had your wedding without inviting me), young man Richmond Phiri, Chitumbo, the list is endless! Not forgeting GM elect and his elder brother Musatwe. IM Kuza and bra Jackie!! Longtime no seen guyz BUT whats there not to understand. For the players “PUT MORE WOOD!!” and keep that fire burning. I want to see atleast 3 SADC guyz qualified at the end of the tourney.
And you Shabazz keep on the good work.
GM Kabi, its a pity you can’t go to Nam. i am following the games closely from Colchester, UK. i put all my money on Gwaze. i kno w it’s too early to predict but i know i have seen the guy’s games.he is just to hot. another Bled’s perfomance.
Daaim may I take this opportunity to thank you for providing this wonderful forum. Without a doubt, the lively communication, exchange and transmission of information is a very positive resource to the chess fraternity. Keep up the good work!
Thats a fact Win is a win and loss is a loss, no one can change that. Whats actually irritates you??? Im astonished to learn that you get irritated when people discuss some games. Do you see anything wrong when people predict, say their views about certain games or players? Actually that the purpose of these blog. Discuss, analyse and predict. What excuses are you actually referring to Otty.
It’s turning out to be a bad outing for Zambians – Amon lost again, his brother Musatwe succumbed to compatriot Richmond Phiri and Chumfwa lost!
Chitumbo also lost. Not so pleasant. Hey guys rise! But many thanks to SADC guys Gwaze who drew with Aderito to continue leading on 5.5 points.
Looks like Gwaze will have a flawless tournament. Best wishes young man.
Egyptian GMs are awakening like I feared. They may just pose a challenge for Gwaze.
Let’s wait and see.
Zambians are having a rough time at the moment but Amon lost 2 games like Adly so he should not let Adly overtake him. Amon is still on the contest as long as he can lose no more games. I still sense that Amon will halt 1 Egyptians, Aderito another and Gwaze like wise. Aderito was highely undermined but it seems he is such a force to reckon. He will surely leave a lasting impression on these tourney. Gwaze’s should not settle for anything less than a draw for as to keep SADC representaive at the World Open. You seem scared of Egyptians but things are also not easy on them either.
For a player to reach the level of GM he must achieve 3 GM norms and in addition he must achieve an elo of 2500. After meeting all these requirements he is called a GM. But what happens when his elo drops below 2500? Surely if a player does not perform at 2500 elo level he must be stripped of this title until he reach the required 2500 level again. There are many GMs with elos below 2500 and I think that this is a mistake. If a GM after 1 year of activity still do not reach the 2500 level then he must become a candidate GM again until he reach the 2500 mark and remain at that mark for a further year. There are even GMs with 2300 ratings. To me that is something that FIDE must seriously look at. Any comments?
Hi kOLADE, we are all praying fo you to qualify, Nigeria chess shld be the strongest in Africa but because of lack of tournaments and sponsorship that is why we can not take that spot, Keep on playing very strong chess, we believe you can make it. I have been trying to view the lastest result online, but the link is not going thru.
Williams Abiye
HI guys,
I want to start by first of all thanking Diaam(hope i got the speeling right) for running this blog and site. Secondly before i go to the african individual championship,Iam a Ugandan chess player who believes that finance is the stumbling block in sub saharan africa. i qualified for the Olympiad in turin but govt failed to raise enuff tickets and so i happenend to miss out.Theres no doubt that given a chance we can become Gms and IMs.I know this for a fact coz i play on the chess base server,i have managed to beat a couple of Ims and one GM. anyways in this tourny Iam rooting for Gwaze coz from the little I have seen i think he can become a 2600. i hope to annotate a game of his if thats possible with you Mr Diaam.i just hope Simutowe makes it into the top 6 coz he seems fatigued. and of course i support my country mate Stephen Kawuma who made it to Namibia with his own funds which i think is a shame on African governments
Your observations are tempting to accept that Egyptians would not have it easy. Ofcourse, they have had a bad tourney but hey, they will surprise many in their endgame, if you like.
Amon is tired and letting him face an Egyptian would not be the best. Yes, he has the mental capacity to stop the Arabs but his flesh cannot allow him to go on winning.
But don’t rule him out, the boy is dangerous and may just pull out something special. Watch that in the last three rounds.
Dear Leonard,
Consider this for thought, Once a GENIUS always a GENIUS…with exception of C Darwin of course!. Doctorate holders and Professors do not do thesis for ever! All we are asking you to do in a tournament of 9 rounds, beat 2 GMs AND score 66.66% ,just that!. Repeat this three times and will call you GM for as long as you live…Yes! AND in view of the fact that the 2 X 3 =6 Gms might be 2300s we want you to achieve a “simple” 2500 rating! Can you do that leornard?
The Egyptians from history are fearsome, yes they can run riots given the chance but these Tourney is somehow different. I strongly believe there is shift of power from the North to South. Have you realised that the Tunisian Gm Belkohodja will also help to slow the Egyptians. Aderito is a silent predator. The Shark will fight for top 6 at the expense of one Egyptian. One chap whom I expected a lot from is Chumfwa but at the moment he seems to be struggling and he is one chap who like to defeat big guns like Arabs as you say. He will hammer one just wait and see.
You’re spot-on my bra
So far the most powerful perfomance was by Gwaze against Amon, just check it and see some pawn sacrifices and queen sacrifice, combinations. Thats was sheer brilliance by Robert. He dictated terms to the Shark. Thats a game worth noting, it stood to its expectations. I think you should include it in Drums historic games and game of the week so far.
Thats good explanation Mosenya, so how many Gm’s have you beaten so far in a round of 9. I know you are a Gm in the making is only that you have not yet reached the first Gm norm. Kabi is a Gm who has not yet beaten 3 Gm’s and never went through the norm issues. Thats weird Gm Kabi.
A GM is A GM guys. consider professors in 1980 doing computer science. bring him 2000 and you will find he/she understands next to zero i guess but that should not strip his proffersorship. tek the likes of Jan tinman, korchnoi, karpov … these were super greats and now because they can loose terribly to playes like nakamura, calsen o radjabov simply does not mean they should be stripped titles. Be a GM and stop playing chess. we will remember you as a GM
hoo hoo hoo! It’s hot in namibia! with 3.5 points after rd 6 one can still get to position 5 with 6.5. oooh Lord Jesus I know you love them all as you do the game, please be on their side and make them win each other against. and lets all pray and say ~ ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? amen!!
Am equally surprised by Chumfwa`s performance though chitumbo`s might as well rank as the most humbling considering his performance at the all Africa games. Amon can indeed make get a one of the six places. The game i would have loved to see is Adly-A Simutowe. Its a pity, were the two to meet,Amon`s physical state would still be a factor and i really hope they dont ! Amon`s case not withstanding,are there no rest days at the championships? Anderito Pedro! Anderito Pedro! Any data about this guy?
In that case why not make Simutowe a GM? He got all his norms, the elo rating is insignificant.
If u met your 6th grade teacher today , y’ll address him as sir or Teacher…thats bcoz of the respect he earned being your teacher.
Your level of education may have surpassed his …….fact is, HE IS YOUR TEACHER.
Cool runnings.
jackie is killing chess in africa just leave zimbabweans alone and other young chess stars. if you want some, create some
we are behind you gwaze here at home make us proud once again
Chumfwa did not perform to his potential as we know him. Maybe the tourney is tough as it looks like. Aderito is a silent assassian, a slow poison. He is not that known but he dictate terms on the board. He is such a strong player you know. I really didnt know him that much until to these tourney.
I love the pairings on the top boards today! I guess we’ll see if the Egyptians can complete their comeback. Hopefully not 😉
Hoplex let me call namibia get back to you
Yes, Amon has won round 8 but it looks like it’s rather late for the GM-elect. He’s hoping for a miracle on a Sunday… Will it come?
how are the standings like now?
I argued the other day that Egyptians would spring up towards the end but some of you guys dismissed my observations.
Check the standings as of round 8. There are four Egyotians in the top 6. My modest projection was that three would qualify for the World Cup but some quashed my calculations.
What do you say now?
am from SHARKLAND, the same town as your young man, back then we used to call him Pon, Dwarf or Ka Amon bcoz he was small.
look at him now, he is Hon. Amon Simutowe and we are not damn proud but rather ‘Daaim proud’!!
Doc keep on doing the good work and say hi to little Cydni.
Cool runnings
updates please
knew info on last round yet?
Still nothing yet here?
Updates please……. I’m anxious you know, so lets get this over and done with. The thing is i don’t know who to support anymore , each one of the has a nice story to tell should they win.
Oh, by the way, next year i’m coming to terrorise the African championship should i qualify???? Ha ha ha ha ha!!1 Its ok to dream you know but. Just cracking a joke. 😆
How many of you guys think the chess drum shouldd be extended to a chess playing site??:?:
That would be great because even more interaction and unity would be fullfilled inthis region. ❗
Mr Daaim Shabazz can i just ask if the prizes are in us dollars or local nambian currency?
This is the website with the prizes but no currency declared.
It makes me sad why women are getting less money. We want to see more women in sport. Give our women equal opportunities.

Sometime back someone dismissed me when i asked if it was possible that IM Gwaze becomes GM Before IM Simutowe but i think it is very much possible should Gwaze winthis.
Otty came up with a suggestion of you possibly launching a chessdrum icc or playchess.com?
Amon wins and qualifies for play-offs on Monday! Can you believe it?
Any more updates?
So Simutowe will play Khaled in the playoff?
Gwaze has won the championship with 1/2 point. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to my compatriot! This will lift the spirits of everybody associated with Zim chess!!!
Congrats Gwaze !! Well played .
Congrats soon to be GM-elect Gawze! This has definitely been inspiring!
Congratulations to IM Robert Gwaze, We are proud of you and in you and the other five Masters lies the hope of Africa in the coming World Cup. Good luck to all those who will be representing us. Daaim Shabazz, it has been a great blog that kept us glued to the screens and awaiting the results and the reactions, may all the blessing of the most high be with you and your family.
Fantastic tournamet! It seems that Erikson Roberto from Angola will get ELO rating of 2262 and he is just 15 years old!
Congrats to all winners.
I know I am posting at the last minute but I want to say
Congratulations to
IM Gwaze, IM Aderito as winners/qualifiers;
GM-elect Simutowe as possible qualifier, and displaying
great stamina;
IM Adu, IM Mamombe for putting forth the effort(I can’t say more
without seeing some games).
Three of you I have met either in person or by email, and I wish
the best to you all in chess and in family!!
And shout out to Travis Hoskins…drop a brother a line sometime.
Remember Comment 91, i said i put my money on Gwaze. Congragulations shangwari. Maeta szwakanaka. Otherwise tasikwera in Colchester. I have no doubt if you could just play a series of tournaments you would be a GM before the end of the year, since you already one in the making.Guys that was a fantastic week of hot chess. My GMs from Botswana, that was a good try. Le Pro and FM all the best. WGM Studu and WFM Donkieys, that was a good try. I wish Modesto was there.
Dear Chess enthusiast and able commentators,
What’s up with the Zs of Africa these days? The “Zs” seems to have gone on rampage like the Elephant of Africa don’t you think? And what does Z stands for in Africa these days anyway? Well, should in case you are just joining us on the blog and you don’t know, the Z stand for Zambia and Zimbabwe which can now be translated to mean “Zealous and brilliant Performance in chess”, first by Amon Simutowe of Zambia and now by Robert Gwaze of Zimbabwe. What terrific performance and achievements we are witnessing in these young black African players and it’s not only recently that we have seen such from them.
If you ask me, I will say we haven’t seen anything yet from these two Twin Towers of black African Chess. Amon just got his 3rd GM norm with a brilliant play at the EUWE tournament and he is now a Grandmaster elect. Robert just won the African Championship convincingly and now earned his 2nd GM norm and on his way to the world championship event with others. This is some fantastic news one after the other in just a short period of time. It’s only a matter of time before we have our 4th black Grandmaster in the world from Africa. What a lovely story this is and its unfolding right before our eyes.
So fellars, get to the nearest Pub quickly and order your next beer and send the bill to the African Chess big bosses- Lewis NCUBE and Nizar Ali ELHAJ, while the celebration is still ongoing but just don’t tell them I sent you. Seriously, we have reasons to celebrate and it should be a big one too.
A big congratulations then goes to IM Gwaze for his terrific victory and congratulations to all those who qualified to represent Africa at the next World Championship event (the 1st 5 players on the list with the 6th person to be decided by play off soon). We are very proud of you and we shall be rooting for you all the way to the world championship tournament. In not to distance future, more African chess players will rise up to do similar exploits and we can’t wait to see it. It appears it’s the year of the “Africa Grandmaster norm hunger” and hopefully it will spread far and wide like the wildfire of the Savannah Forest soon.
Long live African Chess!!!
ZAMBIA beats South Africa 3 – 0 , Simutowe not yet out and Gwaze eish man ! Mek we chant UHURU ..Freedom at last.
Congrats Zim man. Wata sinting man !!
Cool runnings
thank yo gwaze. my only blame is to the zimbawean sports journalis.. nuthing has been said about this young man over this past ches period. even during the africa games they said nuthing only to be happy we gwaze got the silver medal. i think he deserves something, he might not hav reached the highs of Kirsty Coventry our golden swimmer but i still believe he is the next best athelete in the country or somewhere ther. congrats Gwaze. also congrats to mandizha, masango, makoto and mamombe. u did us proud
As I have said after round 5, Gwaze is a walking Fritz. He has a good tendency of finishing undefeated, thats a true Champ. He is such a solid player. Aderito Pedro failed at 2005 championships but these time he was on fire. What a come back by Adly or it was strategy to lose the first 2 games and sprint all the way.
The Egyptians made it by a wisker as you said it. They are quite tactical. Whats your last post motem of the games, say your analysis bro.
Congratulations to Gwaze for the splendid performance :!:.Big up to all the players. To all the federations which sent there players to the Games I say TWO THUMBS UP!
To the Zambian girls I say never give up..some day a saviour will come to your rescue.Dont lose heart guys Ok!
Daaim, it’s been one roller coaster..Keep the Beat going!!!
So long my blog mates!
Did Adly lose those first 2 games intentionally or not. One may wonder if it was his strategy to make his way up via moderate players. We almost counted him out but what a come back. One last thing, if you have time can you please update the historic drum games. I think I have seen almost all. ie Poweful perfomances, brilliant attack etc.
As we rejoice in Gwaze’s achievement ,I thought it would be great to share with you a few interesting things about Zimbabwean chess scene. For a long time the country has always had exciting prospects particularly in the scholars ranks but there seems be a lack of investment in the brilliant players we have when they finish school. In 1997, my school first team (Gifford) each player( Pemba, Silenje, Muzuva and Moyo) had a rating of about Elo 1900- 2000 and we were able to win national schools championship convincingly ahead of much fancied Gwaze’s PE, Bruce Mubaiwa St Ignatious and Kutama. Of course Gwaze was at that time easily +2100! We had other players who were not far off, Andrew Mgijima (his games with Gwaze were always wild and explosive because of their similar style), Mubaiwa, Genius Runyowa, Taka Chipanga, Luberto brothers. Infact, we had one guy M Mbuyazwe who was the same age as Gwaze and had +3 score against Gwaze that year! The preceding years also saw the likes Chinodakufa , Kampinya, Pawandiwa, Muwomo, Mangena and Mthethwa turning on the chess heirachy on its head by posting regular wins against seasoned national team players like IM Mamombe, FM Kanengoni, Cochrane, Mauwa, Chaka, Mangwengwende and others in various national tournaments. It would be a travesty to not to mention about my friend Wisdom Chikwanda. He was introduced to the game in 1996 by Thabang Moyo and became my regular sparring partner. His meteoric ascendency to being a national junior champion and a member of the national team is a testament of the potential that needs to be tapped if we are to have more IMs and GMs.
It is my heartfelt plea to all associated with Zim chess to seriously think about whatever resources we can invest in our wonderful ambassadors such as IM Gwaze, FM Mandizha, Chipanga, IM Mamombe and all the active top players. It would be great to also support Zimbabwe chess development in a more focused way. We owe it to ourselves to ensure that the latent talent and great potential is not needlessly lost.
Thats great to hear. I know it wont be easy to do that and since you are doing everything for drum. Its quite demanding. You are doing a great job by keeping the drum beating. There has never been a website that covered African games like the Drum before.
So what are you post games comments?
Here is what Jackie Ngubeni had to predict on his webby ‘The Chess Academy’ some days ago (I guess):
#1. Gm. Hicham Hamdouchi is comfortably the leading player in the continent. He once was a +2600 Elo player and even made the Fide top 100! Hicham plies his chess trade in Spain, arguably the epicenter of chess globally. His place is secure as 1st in the top six! In the past he did not even have to play. The rest had to duel for the five places. Trust me, if he shows up in Namibia, he will be #1 when the dust settles.
#2 GM. Amin Bassem is armed with the youthful energy. This boy genius is quickly establishing himself as a ferocious chess player the continent has ever produced. He recently played well in Dubai. This gives an impression of form going into this event. I place him firm #2.
#3. GM. Ahmed Adley. This young man is the defending champ! He may not be in position 3 on the Top 20, but hey! Check out his performance in the previous Africa Championships plus his bout with super GM. Ponomariov at the World Cup afterwards and you will agree that he will be amongst the medallists. I say Bronze!
#4. IM.Essam El Gindy deserves respect. He should not be ignored when the stakes are this high. The fact that he faced an Openings speculative Bishop sacrifice by the slippery IM.Kobese the last time around in this event had him obfuscated. He will quickly put that penultimate game and the “bluff” behind him and knuckle down to good chess he is accustomed to displaying. Expect him at position 4!
Then as an afterthought (I’d imagine) among a bunch of guys to make it into the spots 7 – 10, he adds;
IM Robert Gwaze deserves special mention as he earned much respect in the Internet. However this will not be the style he invented himself into. Long and slow manuevering of pieces as opposed to tricks & traps will win the day. Expect Gwaze to battle. Perhaps do well in the early stage, then fade towards the bottom heap. He collected too much dust and cob webs over the years to worry the young tigers!.
What sarcasm. Boy, isn’t it fun to predict! I hate the embarrassment that’s got to come with the offmarks thereof!
The Championships have been exciting. I followed the results and comments closely during the nine (9) days of competition.
I can imagine Amon’s fatigue after his hectic schedule but sometimes champions and leaders have to make these sacrifices.
I am not familiar with most of the players but there seems to be a lot of talent in Africa and with proper guidance/sponsorhip more titled players will emerge.
It seems that the inhibitors to progress of players in developing countries is the same all over but we in the Caribbean are putting things in place to make some giant leaps.
People seemed to get really excited by having a place to chat during the games and The Chess Drum, with the input of the dedicated Dr. Daaim Shabazz fit the bill superbly.
Regarding the suggestion to host tournaments, we are now experimenting with using playchess.com to do so. This is a free service, so perhaps interested persons can explore this further. This would allow anyone (in any part of the world) to participate from the comfort of their home/club and forge ties with some of the future stars of Chess.
Best regards from Trinidad and Tobago
Big up Gwaze!! 7/9 points.Your result just sell off!!!Out and badd!!Good pocket money for you man US $6000 .Its celebration time a.k.a head drop off & a roll like a dice time!!Pour yourself a glass of Red Bull and Guiness get the rizzla and roll yourself the biggest spliff listening to Movado’s new Album .
Every Ghetto yout is an element of surprise -Sizzla Kalonje.
Congradulatoins IM Gwaze, you were on fire this time. Make sure you work on your third GM norm while you are on form like this, you can defenetly do it.
Any body with updates for playoffs.
Congradulatoins IM Gwaze, you were on fire this time. Make sure you work on your third GM norm while you are on form like this, you can defenetly do it.
Any body with updates for playoffs. I hope our GM-elect makes it
Daaim Shabazz you defenetly deserve an honour for all your efforts. The whole thing shall grow, it’s only a matter of time.
To all drum lovers, lets help this site grow in all ways including finacially if you know a couple of people.
Congrats to Robert Gwaze, you really put up a splendid performance. to Our hero, Amon Simutowe, we wish you the best in the play-offs and i am optmistic you shall get the last berth. You will be received with thunderous celebrations here at home.Congrats too for the 3rd GM norm.
Smuddy wit a likkle sintin ….UPDATES PIPO ! UPDATES !
waiting ……….
should i beg..nedd i
😡 😀
People still refuse to respond to a question i asked during the early hours of this tournament. DO YOU SEE THE POSSIBILITY OF GWAZE BECOMING A GM BEFORE SIMUTOWE.?!?
Any news on the tie-break results?
simutowe lost playoffs
plays were GM Belkhodja Slim verus IM Simutowe Amon amon won 2 -0
FM Abdel Razik Khaled versus IM Sarwat Walaa khaled won 2-0
Final playoff IM Simutowe Amon versus FM Abdel Razik Khaled the first main games was 1-1
Then FM Abdel Razik Khaled won 1.5 -0.5 blitz
Congratulations to all the winner, and since you have all as usual concentrated on the men Championship, I decided to Cogratulate the Women.
Mona Khaled the Egyptian Chess Prodigy who is ONLY 13 YEARS and the former African Junior Girls Champion in 2005 (when she was 11) deserves a special congratulations as she will be the 2nd WGM in Africa and one of the youngest WGM in the world, as she was before the youngest WIM in chess history.
https://www.chessacademy.co.za/ has predicted after the 9th African Games in which Mona got 2 Gold Medals that she will be the winner of this Championship, and it came true.
Congratulations to all the Women in the tournament and wishing to have a lot of WGM in Africa.
Vaya Con Dios my brethren and sistren.
never loose the inity…
It would also be heartening if some of the players being lauded came here to “applaud” their fans unless of course if they are not aware a website like thechessdrum.net exists.On the whole I am glad the tournament took place at all .The standard of games was not that high in my opinion with most high finishers just “scraping through “.This is in contrast to well established European tournaments where GM norms are on offer like Aeroflot Open ,Capelle ,Monarch Assurance ,Wijk aan Zee Open.It would be interesting and encouraging if our Grandmaster aspirants earned their norms in tournaments of such calibre than say earn a rather debatable GM norm by winning some obscure Continental Junior Championships repeatedly with less than 8 FIDE rated opponents ,no GMs ,IMs or indeed anyone rated over Elo 2250 .
(Proverbs 12:1) Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish
Dear Daaim:
Thanks for confirming my point, and hope the women players in Africa get the recognition they deserve and the trainning they need as we currently have great young girls like Mona Khaled (EGY) and Melissa Griff (RSA) who if got enough support now can be World Champions easily.
Well said Daaim, that is what we have been saying all along. If you cannot go to the competition as is the case in many African countries (in fact some players will not even get the VISA to travel out to play in big tournaments abroad even if they have the funds) why not bring the tournament to them. This can be sumed up in just one word and this is “Sponsorship”. That is the magic word. Without it, the story will remain the same
I agree in smaller federations one does not always have a luxury of attending the high profile Open tournaments we listed earlier but hey ,the titles in the end are recognized at world level .The FIDE rules need an ammendment on that one,hope someone brings it up at next congress.If something is not done we will keep on producing titled players with ridicolous ratings thereby demeaning the value of International titles.
You also mention that Gwaze and Simutowe are GM material, hmmn , I personally see them as potential GMs
though they still have to prove themselves at more credible tournaments .They rightly play at IM level evidenced for example by 7 or so Strong Open tournaments Simutowe has participated in the last 7 years on each occassion failing to make the GM norm standard but making a strong case for IM standard e.g at Bad Worishofen 2001 https://www.thechessdrum.net/palview/Sprenger-Simutowe.htm (Good tournament that Amon!!).Gwaze has also balked in strong open events too e.g Coventry International 2005 and British Championships.Whether monetary resources allow or we keep on producing artificial titled players is certainly moot.
Its never easy for pacesetters but next generation will always be better.
“Faith is a higher faculty than reason.” — Henry Christopher Bailey
Can anyone explain to me in details as to what happenned in Mudongo’s game?
i think he means the last round where mudongo apparently lost due to a cell phone violation…… anyone know the exact details… ❓
Just in case you do not know what I mean by credible tournaments you probably want to look no further that FIDE vice president himself Azmaiparashvilli’s (some call him Asbo-parashvili )very famous victory at the Macedonian town of Strumica in 1995.You can google Azmaiparashvilli Strumica for yourself.Anyway here is what happened;
In a four player sextuple round robin, the scores were:
Azmaiparashvili 16/18
Kutirov 11.5/18
Kurajica 4.5/18
Rashkovsky 4/18
Azmai went from 2610 to 2660 – quite a huge jump for one rating list and susequently qualified for a future tournament with a high rating pre-requisite after achieving that “success”.
Kutirov,got the IM AND GM titles, of course he had a huge leap in rating too after Strumica. I checked his rating today and its listed as 2372 .He went from 2330 in late 1994 to 2525 in mid-1996,somebody wonders what has happened to his strength i’m sure.
I am not sure if anyone has ever suggested the FIDE ethics committee look at this.
And I recall yet another dubbed “Memorial Heroes of Chernobyl” supposedly held in Óity a Slavutich, Ukraine. https://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=2366
Daaim,how about taking four players from Africa and organize a “Strumica type “of tournament??
“Every grandmaster should try to organise a tournament at some time in their life”——Artur Yusupov.
“Adu beat GMs Zapata (Columbia) and Charbonneau (Canada) in the tournament and got 5-1/2 points……..”
Can we have some of Adus games here and analze them. Its good for our players to beat more of the GMS to get the needed norms.