Orrin Hudson to hold “Get in the Game” Exhibition
Heads up! Pants up! Grades Up!
50 vs. 1 Chess simultaneous exhibition

Orrin Hudson
BeSomeone, Inc.
When: Saturday, September 15, 2007, 12 noon to 5:00 PM. Also Sunday, September 16, 2007 1:00 to 5:00.
Where: Georgia World Congress Center, Building C near Northside Drive, Exhibit Hall C1-C3, 285 Andrew Young International Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30313
Who: Be Someone, Inc., founder Orrin C. Hudson, a former state trooper who believes prevention is better than detention is a chess champion, achievement expert and motivational master just released a 20 year project his book, One Move at a Time! How to Win at Chess and Life?
What: 50 vs. 1 Chess demonstration and life-skills training. Orrin C. Hudson will play 50 kids and adults simultaneously to teach others the only way to fight is to use your head. We all have an amazing computer between our ears. The key is to realize it and use it. Heads up… pants up… grades up! Get your head in the game!
Why: Crime is up in Atlanta, and progress is impossible if we continue doing the same thing. Children need positive role models and training. 85% of the people that are in prison come from single family homes. We have to get in game and give our children tools to avoid checkmate in life.