Chicago State University “Quick Chess”


I am emailing to inform you about the upcoming quick chess tournament this weekend at Chicago State University. We will have 2 tournaments in the next two months. The 1st one is on June 14th and the 2nd is on July 12, 2008. The Entry fee is $15 and the prize fund is $350 based on 30 paid entries. All proceeds supports the CSU chess team. Attached is a flyer for this event.

William Blackman

Chicago State University

* * *

Tuley Park QC #2
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cordell Reed Student Union Building
9501 South King Drive
Chicago, IL 60628

presented by
Chicago State University

$350 prize fund b/30

Open: 5-round Swiss System Game/22

Entry Fee: $15 at door

Registration: 11am-11:50am. Late registrars will receive ½ point by for 1st round

Rounds: 1 at noon and all other rounds will start A.S.A.P.

1st Quarter $100-$60-$30
2nd Quarter $40-$30
3rd Quarter $30-$20
4th Quarter $25-$15

Any questions about this tournament please contact William Blackman @

If entering the campus via 95th street, follow the road and turn right on University/Student Life Drive then park. If entering via King Drive follow the road and take the 3rd left to University/Student Life Drive. Chicago State University daily parking rate is $4.

Cordell Reed Student Union Building is the building with the cone shaped top.


  1. Yep… my alma mater! I visited the campus recently during the Chicago Open and the place has come along nicely. In the picture below, I was on the 4th floor of the library… magnificent building! Chicago State is still a beautiful campus.

    (Trivia: Marvin Dandridge did a Master’s degree at Chicago State and Melvin Alsberry spent a year there before going off to join the military. The three of us along with Roger Hickman represented Chicago State at the 1981 Pan-Am Intercollegiate Team Championship held in New York. What a blast! Alsberry and I were high school rivals and I got a chance to know (and admire) him a bit on the trip. Dandridge and I joked about that trip recently. Gene Scott and Angelo Armistead went the previous year and witnessed Dandridge upsetting James Rizzitano in a classic game. The faculty advisor of the chess club was Lemmie Blaylock.)

  2. Game in 22? Is that a new ‘standard’ time control? I have not played tournament chess in many years, but I have heard of G/90 or G/60 or even G/45 (which I believe to be ‘action chess’).

  3. I believe that is why Tom Fineberg originally used this idea for his tournaments. I think he told me it had to do with the way tournament would be classified. You have blitz, rapid, action and classical. I’m not sure why he didn’t chose 20 minutes as opposed to 22. I believe William Blackman is merely carrying on that format.

  4. Yep, That was a good year Daaim. We had a good time in the Big apple, Lots of Chess!! I seen Angelo about a year ago. last I heard he was a Principal at a High School. Haven’t been to CSU in a long while. Guess I need to go visit.

  5. Actually I’m headed to Chicago as we speak. I usually go by Chicago State… they’ve come a long way! I wouldn’t mind teaching there… even if for a semester. I remember you and I played some games in the “K-building.” There was an article in the CSU Tempo newspaper and a picture of us playing. I still have that article somewhere in my files.

  6. Melvin,

    Here’s a story I did about Angelo Armistead. He lives out in Aurora. Besides hanging at Tuley Park, I used to go to tournaments with him. One of my first memories of Angelo was picking me up to go to a Proviso West tournament. Mario Spinosa was in the front seat. We also played a lot at Chicago Chess Center on North Halsted… Jules Stein’s place. Angelo is doing well. I last saw him at a Chicago tournament maybe a year ago.

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