New York Girls continue to shine!
Here is message sent last week from Elizabeth Vicary who coaches in the Chess-in-Schools program out of New York. Several girls have followed up their strong showing in the National Scholastics with local victories. Angelica Berrios and Jasmine Fermin are pictured below. Photos courtesy of Ms. Vicary.
Dear Daaim,
I wanted to let you know about a pretty remarkable string of recent successes Angelica, Rochelle and Jasmine have had. I hope you will remember them from the Girls’ Nationals post.
Angelica Berrios (1800, 8th grade) won the Brooklyn High School Championship today, beating four Murrow High School players.
Jasmine Fermin (1405, 8th grade) won the Brooklyn Junior High School Championship.
Rochelle Ballantyne (1765, 7th grade) went 4-0 on top board (of the winning team) at the NYC Mayor’s Cup last week.
Pictures of the girls are up at my blog.
PS Do you know Adia Onyango? She’s a talented player (in her last tournament she won the under 1200 section of the Atlantic Open and she’s my pick to win the Under 1400 at the World Open) and a NY State delegate for Barack Obama. She’s doing voter registration at the Cleveland Open this weekend– link below. (And also playing).

Adia Onyango (pictured right) making a political statement
while holding a losing pawn ending. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Vicary.
Thanks for posting this! Could you correct my first misspelling of Adia’s name? It should be Onyango. My mistake!