Orrin Hudson to appear on Chess.FM

Orrin Hudson at the 2008 World Open.
Photo by Daaim Shabazz.
Besomeone founder Orrin Hudson will appear at the Internet Chess Club’s Chess.FM on July 24th at 9pm. Hudson will be discussing his program on the show and his efforts to teach chess and build the self esteem of underprivileged kids. Hudson has a somewhat provocative message of “Heads up, Pants up, Grades up” and “Think it out, don’t shoot it out,” but his message has found an audience due to wide exposure in mainstream media.
Many may find his criticism of sagging pants to be over the top, but it is something that Black men need to tell the youth… and even their peers. If one looks at the state of the Black community, there are a number of social issues that need to be dealt with head on and one of them is self-respect. One’s success in any civilization is measured by the amount of self-respect they convey.
Looking around the inner-city community you see disturbing trends in terms of social interaction and public presentation. Prison culture, which has seeped into hip-hop culture, has become the order of the day in some communities. Hudson’s messages seeks to inspire those young boys and girls who may be influenced by peer pressure and use metaphors to give them to think about making better choices… better moves in life. He wants to reach 1,000,000 youth by 2012.