Renaissance CC hosts chess at African Fest!
On Labor Day weekend in Chicago, the Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation hosted a chess event at the RKNIGHTS Chess Pavilion and it appeared to be quite successful. The organization was founded back in 2005 and is designed to present chess as an educational tool. The group had a set up at the African Festival where attendees played games or learned the benefits of chess.
The Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization. Our goals are to improve the academic abilities, intellectual performance, & social skills, of at-risk & disadvantaged youth & elevate the game of chess for both children & adults. We operate quality educational chess programs at schools, libraries, & community centers. RKCF prepares players of all ages to compete in competitions, organizes tournaments & exhibitions.
The Renaissance Chess Foundation was founded by the husband-wife team of David and Sheila Heiser with GM Seymon Palatnik working as a consultant. The coundation works with the Chicago’s Mayor’s Office of Special Events to “provide chess activities at community events, & serve as consultant to the Chicago Public Schools Chess Programs.”
All photos by Sheila Heiser.
A 501 (C) (3) nonprofit org formed to improve academic, intellectual & social skills through chess…

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