2008 Cameron Open in Jamaica

The Jamaican Chess Federation will kick on their 2008 FREDERICK CAMERON CHESS OPEN (formerly the XMAS Open) on December 20-21st. Registration extends through December 17th after which there will be assessed an additional fee. Details of the event are given below! For questions contact Peter Myers at chessclarendon@yahoo.com.


  1. Here’s a nice article from Jamaica promoting chess as a means to stem the tide of violence. Jamaica Chess Federation President Ian Wilkinson was quoted,

    If we get chess going fully into the schools and incorporated into society, we will reduce crime and violence significantly. The violence that we are experiencing now, the criminal behaviour being demonstrated by the youngsters … once we get into their minds and teach them chess, we will be creating a totally different society because the intellectual capital of our country will go up tremendously.

    See article HERE!

  2. The idea that all entrants must be paid up members of Jamaican Chess Federation kinda ruins the event as an Open tournament.

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