Diamond goes 7-0 at Polgar Open!

Ohio’s Diamond Abdus-Shakoor scored a stunning 7-0 result at the Susan Polgar National Open and earns an automatic invitation to the Polgar National Invitational for Girls in July. She will be the representative for the state of Ohio. Diamond also won three trophies, a laptop computer and a digital clock. Her father Abdul told The Chess Drum,

Diamond was the only African American for boys and girls at the whole Tournament (200-400) students. I am a humbled father.

Diamond is a second-grader at Columbus’ Deshler Elementary and has been playing chess for less than a year. She will have her work cut out for her in the Polgar Invitational. If you would like to help her on her journey or support the Community Properties Impact Corporation (CPIC), please contact Lou Seipel at 614-253-0984.

GM Susan Polgar, Diamond Abdus-Shakoor and father, Abdul Abdus-Shakoor.

GM Susan Polgar, Diamond Abdus-Shakoor
and father, Abdul Abdus-Shakoor.
Photo by Paul Truong.


  1. Wow! Congratulations and best wishes on your continued development! Best to you(Sista Diamond) and your family!

    Kimani A. Stancil

  2. congrats that is a major accomplishment..i’ve played in numerous scholastic national events… and sweeping 7-0 in anything is tough. Well Done and good luck with your continued success

  3. Bro. & Queen Shakoor:

    You two have made us so proud in Ohio’s capital…best wishes on your continued success in chess!

  4. Congratulations to all of the African American females who attended the Susan Polgar All Girls Nationals held @Texas Tech July 26 – July 31, 2009. The field consisted of 60 girls in the United States! Congrats to these Queens! I am astonished that the chess community could not give more support to these ladies! They are the future!

    3/6 wins – Brianna Conley, 25th Place from Ohio
    3/6 wins – Melanie Newell, 30th Place from MS
    2/6 wins – Diamond Abdus-Shakoor (8yrs old), 51st Place from Ohio
    2/6 wins – Jannel Alston, 53rd Place from DC
    1/6 wins – Jannette Alson, 55th Place from DC

    Diamond had a wonderful time! And would like to thank the older girls for being kind and good role models! The African American community should be proud of all of these ladies!

    Congratulations to these ladies!!!

  5. Congratulation to all the participants, but special honor go to Diamond and her father Adul for continuing to unveil the mysteries that this journey will offer them! You have truly made us proud of you in more ways than one! Much success as you hopeful continue to” enjoy you journey”, Coach Barry Davis be blessed!

  6. Thank you Coach Barry! Diamond just turned 9 yrs old yesterday! We are trying to visit NYC AND PHILLY, in the summer. Looking forward to 2010!

  7. Best Wishes to Diamond Shakoor; she is on her way to the Polgar All Girls Nationals in Phoenix, Arizona. Last year she went 7-0; the competition is March 4 – March 8, 2010. Do your best and you are already a winner!!!!

    From Your Dad!

  8. Yes, best wishes to you Sista Diamond Shakoor and family in this year’s tourney.

    Kimani A. Stancil

  9. Thank you Brother Kimani and to all that have supported or encouraged myself and my daughter in any positive way in our chess journey! Congratulations to Diamond Shakoor she goes 6-1 in the main event and places 2nd in the Nation in the Susan Polgar All Girls National Challenge in Phoenix, Arizona for grades 3rd-5th. Diamond was the only African American Female out of 300 students for two year in a row. Diamond won a total of three trophies this weekend and won another National Title in Speed Chess for girls in 3rd-5th grade. Thank you to the Chess Drum!

  10. Congratulations to you Diamond! You have inspired my daughter, Chellsie, to start taking the game more seriously. Hopefully, in the future, she can join you in the next Susan Polgar All Girls National.

  11. Thank you Mr. Colas and Mr. Stancil for supporting me! I look forward to meeting your daughter, tell Chellsie I said hi and stay focused. God Bless ! Tell Josh that my dad and I said hi!


    The Shakoor Family

  12. Contgratulations to Ms. Diamond Shakoor, 10 yrs old, she is in the 4th grade at East Columbus Elementary! She is a Five-Time National Champion in her age group! She has been playing chess for 3 yrs. Today; 2/17/11 Ms. Diamond Shakoor made history by becoming the 1st 3-Time Repeat Chess Champion for all Columbus City Elementary Schools grades K-5th. Diamond went 6-0 to win the Title; she competed against 38 other schools and 73 students! She now prepares for the Susan Polgar National Open in March! Great Job Diamond and keep leading by example!!!!

  13. Hi Brother Lionel ! Diamond says hi and thank you for your continued support! please check this website out www. detroitcitychessclub.com

    Peace and Blessings!

  14. Hi Diamond,
    3 peat! that’s awsome! I am really proud of you. I will be following your progress at the next Polgar tourn. keep up the good work.

  15. To Diamond Shakoor & family….Hopefulness is great, but conformation is beautiful thing …it allows us to see something before they happen much continued success in all of you endeavors! Be blessed!

    1. Peace and Blessings! Thank You Coach Barry! We are on our way to Phoenix; wish Diamond well! Take care and thank you for the words of wisdom!

  16. I think I saw you the one time I played in a tournament in Akron, OH in 2009 or 2010. Congratulations on your super achievement!

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