Morris Giles: The Heart of a Lion

FM Morris Giles
with Erik Karklins at far end.

As we close out Black History Month, I stumbled over a link to Robert Byrne’s analysis of FM Morris Giles’ win over GM Walter Browne. Giles was a Chicago legend who was a solid master in the 70s. He retired for a number of years and then returned in the 80s. Giles began terrorize Illinois players winning many tournaments before he began branching out on the national scene. He reached Senior Master (highest was 2475 USCF) and then retired again in the early 90s.

Giles (pictured right) was a quiet man who enjoyed his cigarettes, but had a ferocious style. His personality exploded onto the board and he scored many resounding victories. In 1988, he scored 9-3 in the U.S. Open in Boston and had scored his best result.

While many of us felt that Giles would continue to play and earn his IM title, he stopped playing and was never seen playing again. No one is quite sure why he stopped playing, but he left behind a treat. Byrne did the commentary for his long-running New York Times column.

September 25, 1988
CHESS; A Glory Trail for the Underdog

CHESS is notorious for neither respecting titles nor achievements, but only what is actually being done over-the-board at the given moment. That’s why the probability of upsets is so high – probably much higher than in sports.

So much depends on inspiration that slogging through reams of games played does not produce the innovation that one desires. In fact, it often mires one down in a myriad of indigestible details.

Nevertheless, the spectators -with short memories – take it for a miracle when the underdog hits the glory trail. Each time it is as though it had never happened before in the 1500-year history of the game.

Of course, some of these upsets give a vivid illustration of what the term really means. Such a game is the one won by the national master Morris Giles of Chicago from Walter Browne of Berkeley, Calif., a six-time United States invitational champion, in the 10th round of the United States open championship, which ended in Boston Aug. 20.


  1. Great game!!! Nice finish Qxf7. I never heard of Giles. With a rating of 2475 he was IM strength. How old would he be now? What was the league that you’ll was playing in? Were the games USCF rated?

  2. He was born 1953 according to FIDE website. His last rating was 2360 FIDE and USCF 2430. Since FIDE and USCF only go back 10 years (I really don’t understand why) I was unable to find any tournaments that he played in. It would be interesting to see Giles play again, after a long lay off I wonder what his strength would be. Its difficult to start playing tournaments chess again after such a layoff. I stopped playing over 20 years (competitive or non competitive) and I know the struggle. Giles, please write on this blog and give some insight on chess when you were playing (before computer and database). Do you think the players are stronger now? Have the information explosion resulted in better chess players? We would love to know what you think on this subject.

  3. I have been playing for the American Medical Association team (CICL) for about 4 months. I hope to play my last team game this Monday before returning to Atlanta.
    We will be playing a team that has the league president as a member.
    I will inquire about other Morris Giles games at this time.

  4. I met Morris at a tournament in Cleveland in the early 1970s. He was only rated an Expert at the time, but offered to play anybody at blitz with one minute against five for money. I wisely declined, but he cleaned up against all takers. I’m sorry to hear about the accident. He was one of the most talented players I ever met, and seemed like a very nice guy.

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