FIDE’s Site Visit to Africa

Thursday, 18 September 2008 08:43
According with the program approved in the last EB meeting a delegation composed by Mr. Allan Herbert, CACDEC Chairman, Mr. Uvencio Blanco, CIS Chairman and Mr. Jorge Vega, Presidential Board Member and Continental President for America paid a visit to South Africa and Botswana on September 5-14th, 2008, in order to see over the ground the needs to develop chess there and coordinate the help to be given by both Commissions. This was the first high level FIDE visit since time ago.
During the visit meetings were held with the respective National Federation and National Sport and Educational Authorities and also in schools where chess is taught. The presence of Mr. Dabilani Buthali was a great help. The visits were held in a very friendly atmosphere.
The results were very profitable with a reciprocal experience exchange.
Being in Botswana a formal meeting with Mr. Buthali was held where the African situation was examined, a second visit to other African Federations during the next months was agreed.
The cooperation given by the National Federations was remarkable which has been easily done in a great way.
Mr. Allan Herbert acted as Secretary and will prepare an official report for the next General Assembly.
Our delegation expresses its gratitude to Mr. Buthali and the Board Members of the National Federations visited and also to the National Authorities for the support and help given.
Mexico City, September the 16th. 2008
Jorge Vega
Continental President for America
hello shabazz is the fide visit going to bring tournaments in africa
I wish I knew the answer. It’s deplorable. Little has been done since the last election to increase the activity on the continent.
hi shabazz i hope african junior chess championship is holding this year because this is my last change of playing it, any information please keep me boasted. thanx
Chess Community,
I inquired about African tournament and have received this response from Dabilani Buthali of Botswana, Continental President for FIDE. He also sent the invitation and registration below for the African Juniors. Why CHESSA didn’t send me the information is strange. It seems as if African federations have fallen on hard times. There is only a trickle of news coming from the continent.
Dear Daaim
The African Junior Chess Championship will be held in South Africa over the period 28 December 2008 to 6 January 2009.
Indeed questions regarding Africa Continental events are legitimate. As you might be aware the only regular tournament in Africa is the Junior event. This has been succeeding largely of support from CACDEC. Although in the Continental Assembly resolved in Namibia last year to hold a Youth Championship, Continental Individual Championship and Team Championship every two years, Zonal Championships (individual and team), no country has made a bid so far. South Africa had made a bid to host the first ever Youth Championship but they postponed at the last minute citing financial challenges.
Efforts to consolidate all national events have not succeeded because one would be lucky to get more than three responses.
It does seem Africa pose more challenges than we can find solutions.
From: CHESSA Lynne []
Subject: Africa Junior Chess Championships 2008
Dear ACU Members,
Attached is the invitation to the African Junior Chess Championships to be held at the Amanzintaba Resort in Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng, South Africa, from 28th December 2008 to 6th January 2009.
Online entry will be available shortly on the CHESSA website at
We hope you enjoy the tournament.
Lynne van Rensburg
CHESSA Secretary
Registration Form
hello shabazz thanx for your update on Africa junior chess championship, i ‘m very gratefull for the information keep the good work going