American Idol meets U.S. Chess

Aloha Mischeaux.
Photo by Wiley Price

Aloha Mischeaux was a finalist in the 4th season of American Idol back in 2005. Her resonate voice has carried her to heights and on the precipe of fame. The St. Louis native was asked to perform at the most improbable of places… certainly must have been a surprise. When she was summoned to the sing at the Opening Ceremonies of the 2009 U.S. Championship, she must have taken it as a challenge and one of intrigue.

From news reports out of Los Angeles, her performance was a rousing success and well-received. According to a report at the Los Angeles Chronicle, the founder of the Chess Club and Scholastic Center Rex Sinquefield state, “Aloha’s magnificent performance is a glorious way to get this exciting tournament started.”

It would be interesting to get an idea of what Aloha thought of the players and the environment. With a certainty, she must have been impressed by the venue of the club. GM-elect Robert Hess was interviewed at Chess.FM and stated, “The is the best club I’ve ever been to… by far!”

Aloha Mischeaux is now a footnote in chess lore… something she would never have dreamt of when she took the stage as an American Idol talent. This will certainly be a good conversation piece on her resume. Aloha is shown below at American Idol competition singing Alicia Key’s “You Don’t Know My Name.”

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