Deborah Richards wins Wheeler Open!

Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica

WFM Deborah Richards, Jamaica’s highest-ever rated female chess player, made a winning return to competitive chess by winning the Robert Wheeler Open on tiebreak ahead of NM Peter Myers and Mikhail Solomon.

WFM Deborah Richards (Jamaica)

Deborah Richards stumbled in round 3 by losing to NM Russel Porter but recovered by winning in round 4 and upsetting Peter Myers in a critical round 5 encounter. She then held NM Brandon Wilson to a draw in round 6 to gain 4.5 points and win the tournament on the tiebreaker.

NM Peter Myers and Mikhail Solomon who also ended on 4.5 points came in second and third respectively, while pre-tournament favourites NM Porter and Brandon Wilson were tied for 4th with 4 points along with Mark Henry and Melisha Smith who also ended on 4 points.

The Intermediate Section was won by Kamaal Warren with 5/6 followed by Alethia Edwards 4.5/6 and Kadian McGlashan 4.5/6.

In the Amateur section, Janique Lee copped the first place trophy with a maximum 5/5 while in 2nd place was Jeremy Parchment 4/5
and Shemar Morrison who came in 3rd, also with 4/5.

~ Mark Holness (May 19 2009)
Source: Jamaican Chess Federation

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