Hikaru chats with The Chess Drum

Photo by Daaim Shabazz/The Chess Drum

Hikaru Nakamura had just finished playing a tough game with Evgeny Najer in the 7th round of the World Open. After winning the game on move 55, the 21-year old knew that the fate would lie in the hands of players who he had battled earlier. Nakamura had to take two 1/2-point byes for the last two rounds in order to fly to Spain for the San Sebastian tournament beginning with the opening ceremonies on Monday. The Drum’s Daaim Shabazz requested an interview and he obliged.

Nakamura has recently become America’s top-rated player and won the U.S. National Championship back in May. However, he would have to wait to hear that Viktor Michalevski lost his last two games and Najer would win his last two to pull into joint 1st with Nakamura. Since Nakamura was not present to play the blitz tiebreak, Najer was declared the overall winner.

Nevertheless, Nakamura in good spirits and shared a bit of his tournament fortune with The Chess Drum audience. In this interview, he speaks on his tournament performance, his schedule and future aspirations. Interesting.

Check it out here!

GM Hikaru Nakamura with The Chess Drum's Daaim Shabazz.

GM Hikaru Nakamura with The Chess Drum’s Daaim Shabazz


  1. Good luck Nakamura. I am glad he is playing in Corus A so he can shut up alot of the haters. Seems like the brother is very supportive of the Chess Drum

  2. Since Naka defeated Najer heads-up, would have been nice for them to declare him victor in “tie-breaks”. But understand situ since he decided to leave for San Sebastian. A pity.

  3. Where is the Nakamura interview? There is no link to the interview.
    Was it removed?
    It says — “Check it out here!”
    but there is no hyperlink.

  4. It seems Hikaru is in Spain trying to prove American chess is truly inferior to the European “school” 😉

    He just beat Paco Vallejo, moving to 3.5/4 :-D. Hope he can keep it up!

  5. People always give Nakamura credit for his opening play (he is daring yada yada) but no one ever talks about this guys almost flawless endgame technique. It’s good to see him back in form.

  6. Nakamura won! Congrats to him! It came down to a two game blitz tie break which of course, Nakablanca always does will in blitz

  7. Wins the US Championship; wins the World Open; Wins San Sebastian (Ahead of former World Champions – 3 of ’em!), so, it’s finally beginning to look like an American player has got to be reckoned with on the world chess stage! Bravo, Nakamura; NakaBlanca; NakaMorphy!

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