The Drum beats in Germany!

The Chess Drum’s Daaim Shabazz was interviewed by Dr. Rene Gralla for Neues Deutschland and ChessBase (Germany). The interviewed broached a number of subjects including the origins of The Chess Drum, impact of President Barack Obama on chess, or the “Obama Effect,” hip-hop chess, Black masters, Bernard Parham’s 2.Qh5, women’s chess, Black celebrities in chess. Germany currently has the highest readership of the site outside of the USA. Denmark, the UK, Singapore and Malaysia have spiked recently.
The interview is printed in German, but hopefully the English version is forthcoming.
Short Version:
Long Version:
Congratulations brother Shabazz on the well deserved coverage throughout the world! Great Job!!
Congrats brother!
On a side note… who is Sabrina Chevannes?! Wow!
I see. I didn’t realize that was the same woman.
Thats REAL cool. You deserve all the props you get, and more.