Games from 2009 Caribbean Carnival

Trinidad Trinidad Trinidad

The 2009 edition of the Caribbean Chess Carnival had some interesting games. In these games, one can see why IM Humberto Pecorelli reigned supreme over his competition. His positional understanding seemed to carry the day over nine rounds. The games had a mixture of styles… ebb and flow, vicious attacks, tragic blunders and intriguing endings. Enjoy!

See Games!

One Comment

  1. Pecorelli was quite successful with 6.Bg5 in the Samisch KID.
    I have not seen that line in such a long time. Pecorelli v Adu
    was curious as Adu seemed to get a very passive position
    deep into the endgame. Pecorelli v Denny is more interesting
    from a theoretical point of view as Denny seems to be following
    Topalov’s method from the mid nineties. Interesting.

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