Aurélie Dacalor stars on Chess Site

Perhaps one of the most ebullient players has become a hit on the online chess scene. Aurélie Dacalor has joined the team that produced the “Chess & Strategy” videos. The Women’s FIDE Master can also be seen promoting popular book titles in “Au Pays des Livres” series. The videos are all short and are well-done with an eclectic array of accompanying music.
Dacalor is featured in the videos primarily giving “play to mate” problems. She does it with such enthusiasm and joy that it is infectious. Dacalor represented France at the junior level and has played in several French women’s championships. She remains enthusiastic about the sport of chess. The chess beauty also has ancestry in the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe and certainly puts a good face on chess.
Chess & Strategy (videos):
I’m going to feature some of Dacalor’s games. She is a very aggressive player and her games show a passion. She has very few draws. Perhaps one day I’ll get an interview with her.
Hi Aurelie,
My name is Janet and my son is Jonas. He is 11. We are good friends with your Aunt Daniele from Florida. Matter of fact we are pretty much family. Your Aunt Daniele said that you might not mind playing Jonas a game of chess or two on the computer!.. Jonas loves chess and would like to play you! Daniele said that you are coming to visit in september! We live in New Mexico. I told your Aunt to bring you out to New Mexico. You guys can stay with us, we have an extra room! My email is Jonas has been playing for only 4-5 months. But it would be an honor for him to play you!!
I am the webmaster for this site. I am not sure if Aurélie has been to this page in a long time. However, she is very enthusiastic as you can see from the videos. If she comes to Florida, it would be a pleasure to meet her. Maybe I can convince her to visit you in New Mexico although it is a long way from Florida. 🙂