Stewart’s “Matrix Lawsuit” uncovered

For the past decade Sophia Stewart has been embroiled in a dispute with the Wachowski Brothers (Larry and Andy) over copyright to the blockbuster trilogies of “The Matrix” and “Terminator”. It is strange that this case did not get wide publicity in the mainstream news, but the online sites were blazing with lively debates.
The suit claimed that the Wachowski Brothers received Stewart’s manuscript in response to an ad requesting sci-fi stories. When the ground-breaking “Matrix” was released Stewart noted striking similarities in the storyline and sought legal advice. This notion was also noted by investigative sources.
She filed her first papers in 1999 and after winning a motion to continue the case in 2004, Judge Margaret Morro of the Central District Court of California dismissed the suit in 2005 citing a failure to show any similarities between her work “The Third Eye” and the two film trilogies. Stewart claims that she was giving poor counsel and plans to reignite the issue.
The cases were covered by The Chess Drum in February 2005. Taking a gander at the online news sites, none of the large news houses have bothered to cover the story and there is a fierce debate as to whether she has won the case or whether it was thrown out. While many sites have claimed a win for Stewart, it is unclear why this claim has resurfaced as late as November 2009.
It was reported on Snopes (an urban legends site) that the reports are false. By all accounts, it appears that the information is outdated and that there is little truth to the story. On Sophia Stewart’s Facebook page, there is little mention of the lawsuit and there appears to be no truth in the notion that she won a settlement.
Thanks for bringing this article up again brother Shabazz , I was wondering about her. Its a curious thing to see if she will get her proper respect and rewards for her efforts, Perhaps if Mrs. Stewart was a chessplayer she would have known to only given them one- half of one idea , that way theses Joker Immitators would’nt know as much as they believe? Um guessing!!! Peace.
I’m looking for updates on this topic as well, and so far, I have not found anything. She was just on the “Warren Ballentine Show” which for those who do not know is a syndicated radio show and is carried on XM Power 169. She gave an update on the status of her suit, which I couldn’t follow. All I understood is that, the motion which dismissed her case in 2005, was based on fraudulent evidence. And now, she’s back in court on that. Are there any other sites out there that I can get current timeline or explanation on this?
There are sites, but they seem to be repeating the same outdated information. She has a Facebook page with reference to “Matrix 4” but I cannot verify that she is the author. It looks specious. Here is an interesting article that just came out last month.
I had already seen that article but fell to read the article mentioned within the article. In some ways she seems not so credible, in other ways she does. Thanks.
Racism Against Sophia Stewart
in the American Court System
“L. Ron Hubbard and the Scientology Church stole my Copyrights”
January 29, 2012
The Conspiracy and Cover Up
1986 Ad – The Writer of the Future Contest
Sponsored by L. Ron Hubbard
For Original Works of Science Fiction of Short Story Or Novelette Length
The theft
Prevented from going to trial in both cases- same pattern
Won both cases on default Judgement -both of which have been covered up.
L. Ron Hubbard and the Scientology Church stole my work because Hubbard could never make a dime off of his work. L. Ron wanted to be known as a great Science Fiction Writer.He died in 1986. Harland Ellison, his friend said that Hubbard started the church so that he could be rich.
The Scientology Church was found in 1954 by it’s founder L. Ron Hubbard. After Hubbard’s death, an attorney by the name of David Miscavige became the leader. Probably one of the reasons why so many lawyers and judges are involved in this Cult and White Collar Crime.
Officers of the Court breaking the law is worse then Blue Collar Cops breaking the law.No one is above the law , all is held accountable.
The most Famous Scientologists is Charles Manson ( who is known for Sharon Tate’s murder in the 60s ) not Tom Cruise.
Theft case : FBI Case 194-LV- (New) Corruption of State & Local Officals
Not Civil- Not Copying. The Book and Copyrights : The Third Eye
Website : Documented Evidence
Case Number CV 03-2873 TJH (VBKx) – Thieft- Criminal Copyright Infridgement $300 Million Dollars Case-Treble the Damages Filed April 24, 2003
Terry J. Hatter Jr. U.S. District Judge
Hatter Court Ordered the RICO Case Statement as an amendment to the pleadings on April 28, 2003
The reason Hatter resued himself from the case : ” My son is a attorney for one of the defendants. ”
Crime : Judge Tampering
Resigned to Judge Margaret M. Morrow June 14, 2004
Case Number CV 03-2873 MMM (VBKx)
The Wachoskis Brothers : The Defandents, Andy and Larry never answered the Amended Complaint – Default Judgment – Immediately- This evidence was hidden and never entered. Years later, Larry had a sex change and is now known as Lana. A second lawsuit can now be filed against him as Lana. Several pieces of evidence that was hidden or never entered was a witness Judy Nulack, all six of the movies ( 3 Matrix & 3 Terminator ) with the Copyrighted Protected Expression- this alone would have given me the relief, FBI Investigated- Report of the Theft and Case numbers, All the validated characters in the movies,
Case Number 2: 07 CV-552CW – $ 150 Million Dollars Case- Malpractice, Fraud Case -Criminal
U.S. Judge Dale Kimble
Resigned to judge Clark Waddoups
and Brooke C. Wells
Ted Mc bride was given instructions to get Judge Kimble off the case. The first fraud on Lubell came from Mc Bride’s Office.
Crime: Judge Tampering, Civil Liberties Violations- Due process laws broken, several canceled trials etc., wire, mail, signature, Racism, Racism, Racism
Case is the oldest case in Utah Courts- Judge waddoups called my last trial May 10, 2011. Each of my trials over the 4-5 year period have been canceled several times without any explainations.
The defandants have never made anymore appearances, conferences, etc since August 28, 2007. The case was never defended or worked upon by the four defendants.
I put in motions that were never ruled on concerning Dean Webb. Later I find out that Judge Waddoups let him out of the case before any of my motions of objections were ruled on. Webb is the one who destroyed my RICO and then left the case, but not before he told me before a witness that these defandants, my fomer lawyers and judge Morrow were sent by the Scientology church to fix my case.
Bruce Isaacs said in the news, that I could not prove it, because I did not have the Ad of Access when asked by the media if I was indeed the Writer of the Matrix & Terminator.
I waited years for the right moment and time to put this piece of evidence in the court system. It is all about timing. The perfect time. This information was given to the FBI SLC Agency on June 10, 1999 when the U. S. Attorney General SLC Office agreed to do the Matrix Case-
The investigation was started by Greg Diamond and Elizabeth Ann Steven, which all stopped in 2001 because someone or ones got brought off.
The FBI told me I was the Writer of the Terminator because I never saw the movie in 1984. However, I did see the Matrix March 31st, 1999 and knew it was my work. I called Warner Brother’s legal and was immediately offered a settlement. I was also told not to go the FBI.
Over the years I have been offered money by phone. The amount is always $ 5-7 million dollars. The Matrix and Terminator Franchise made over $25 Billion dollars and counting. I am the sole copyright & Trademark owner of this work. I am in the Bankrupcy Court in California for $370 million dollars for Terminator 4 movie
Jonathan Wallace Lubell: Died before he could answer the September 23, 2008 Amended Complaint in Salt Lake City Utah. Born 1925-29. David G. Lubell was his twin brother. Both are deceased. Both had no license to practice law because of their Communist’s ties.
They both pleaded the 5th. There were more then eight counts of, wire, mail, and signature fruad entered in the Utah Courts on the behalf of Lubell including four different signatures to give the appearance that he was alive.
These are the Scientology Members, Lawyers, Ties, Associations, and
Affiliates that are involved in RICO on both cases:
My former lawyers:
Michael Thomas Stoller, Member – Scientologist Lawyer Disbarred/committed fraud – Worked with Warner Brothers on movie “Battlefield Earth”
Gary Stephen Brown- Member- Scientologist Lawyer- Involved in fraud
Jonathan Wallace Lubell- deceased- died after August 28, 2007 before September 23, 2008- Scientologist lawyer- No license to practice law.
Dean Browing Webb- RICO Specialists- Ties to Scientology Church
Timothy Bowles- Lawyer for Former Vice President Al Gore-Scientologist lawyer
Terry Gross- Scientologist lawyer
Erik H. Langeland-Scientologist Lawyer
The Defendants Lawyers – Members of the church or Scientologist
Bertram Bert Harris Fields-Member-Scientologist lawyer- James Cameron
Wyman & Isaacs LLP- Scientologist Lawyers
Bruce Isaacs-Scientologist Lawyer
Howard L. Weitman- Member-Scientologist
U.S. Judges-Ties To Scientology Church
Margaret Mary Morrow ( Boland )- Member-Scientologist Lawyer-Law Firm worked with Warner Brothers
Brooke C. Wells- Ties- Scientology Case
The Friend
Harland Ellison- Ties to Scientology Church- Friend of Hubbard
Sophia Stewart
She indeed did win, her earnings are still tied up because she has to pay court costs. Her facebook page she officially refers to herself as The Mother of the Matrix. Her website, Don’t you think they would be suing her if she was not? But here is the court document to prove it.
I thought the suit was filed against the Wachowski Brothers. Who is MICHAEL T. STOLLER?
Also the suit says nothing about a judgment. No defendant would default on such a large case.
Lastly this was a default in a pretrial conference, not the case itself.