2010 UWI Masters (Jamaica)
Grand Master Timur Gareev from the University of Texas at Brownsville and International Masters, Marko Zivanic from the University of Texas and Giorgi Margvelashvili from the University of Maryland will debut at the UWI Chess Open from March 15-21, 2010.
Also among the line up are National Masters, Damion Davy and Brandon Wilson from UWI, Mona. The tournament is also expected to attract at least 300 local chess players from high schools and colleges from across Jamaica.
The Chess Tournament commences with an Opening Ceremony on Monday, March 15, 2010 at 10 am at the Undercroft, UWI, Mona and will be followed by Round 1 Masters Section matches at the Multifunctional Room, Main Library, UWI, Mona. The Tournament continues on March 16-19 with Masters Rounds and a special collegiate match featuring UWI vs UTech on March 17 at 3 pm.

University of West Indies
(Jamaica’s Mona Campus)
The Open section for all levels of chess players takes place on March 20-21 at the Assembly Hall, UWI, Mona. The event culminates with a closing ceremony on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 8 pm at the Undercroft, UWI, Mona.
Players in the Masters section will win over US $2000 in cash awards and players representing their colleges and university will compete for the title, “Caribbean Collegiate Champion” along with other prizes. Other players in the beginners and open section will also win cash prizes and medals.
The Tournament is designed to promote Chess as an avenue for mental development among youth and provide opportunities to expand Chess in Jamaica. Registration fee for Men is JA$1550, Women and Juniors is JA$ 1250 and UWI/ UTech students is JA $1000.
The event is sponsored by Jamaica National Building Society, National Commercial Bank, Pages Café, Supreme Ventures, The Gleaner Company and American Airlines. For more information visit https://www.jnbsuwiopen.com/
All Games (PGN format)
lead the JNBS UWI Chess Masters
Grand Master Timur Gareev from Uzbekistan and International Master Marko Zivanic from Serbia lead the JNBS UWI Masters after four rounds of play with three and a half points. GM-elect Giorgi Margvelasvhili of Georgia trails half a point behind.
On Monday the games began with local number one FIDE Master Warren Elliott taking on GM Gareev in a swift Benko Gambit. The Grandmaster went on to sacrifice the exchange, and finished in resilient style. The other highlight of the first round saw Marcus Joseph, the National Champion of Trinidad and Tobago, toppling Jamaican veteran National Master Geoffrey Byfield in his pet Smith-Morra Gambit line. (Games)
In the second round of play GM Gareev continued his carnage defeating Swedish FIDE Master Bengt Hammar in a 46 move Ruy Lopez Archangel. Top seeds GM Gareev and IM Margvelashvili split the point, foregoing defeat, in the third round. Action heated up on Wednesday when local FIDE Master Jomo Pitterson defeated Swedish FM Bengt Hammar, while GM Gareev and IM Margvelasvhili defeated NM Marcus Joseph and FM Warren Elliott respectively, in quick but beautiful style. (Games)
Inter-hall Chess
Chancellor Hall (UWI), led by National Master Damion Davy, dominated the Inter-hall Chess Competition, when they flanked Rex Nettleford Hall 3-0 in the finals; this after turning back top seeds Preston Hall.
The tournament being held March 15-21 and organized by the UWI Chess Society of the University of the West Indies Mona, is designed to promote chess both nationally and at the University level. University Masters- GM Gareev from the University of Texas at Brownsville, IM Zivanic from the University of Texas at Dallas, IM Margvelasvhili from the University of Maryland at Baltimore County and NM Marcus Joseph from the University of the West Indies St. Augustine are competing for the title of Caribbean Collegiate Champion. Play resumes on Friday in the Multi-purpose room of the Main Library and then continues with the open sections on Saturday and Sunday at the Assembly Hall. Visit jnbsuwiopen.com for more information.
The title sponsor is the Jamaica National Building Society, who is sponsoring the event as a special initiative. The tournament is also supported by the Office of the Principal and further sponsored by American Airlines, The Gleaner, National Commercial Bank, Pages Café and Supreme Ventures- all of whom are clearly working towards building a smarter Jamaica.
David Mullings, Manager of eChannels and Discount Business from the Jamaica National Building Society makes the first move on the game between top seeds International Master Giorgi Margvelashvili (left) from the University of Maryland and Grand Master Timur Gareev from the University of Texas and while Dr. Thelora Reynolds, the Director of Student Services (UWI) looks on.
Round #1
Matthews-Pitterson, ½-½
Byfield-Joseph, 0-1
Lorne-Margvelashvili, 0-1
Zivanic-Hammar, 1-0
Gareev-Elliott, 1-0
Round #2
Pitterson-Elliott, ½-½
Hammar-Gareev, 0-1
Margvelahsvili-Zivanic, ½-½
Joseph-Lorne, 0-1
Matthews-Byfield, 1-0
Round #3
Elliott-Hammar, ½-½
Gareev-Margvelashvili, ½-½
Zivanic-Joseph, 1-0
Lorne-Matthews, 0-1
Byfield-Pitterson, ½-½
Thanks for the great coverage Dr. Shabazz!
The Uzbekistan Grand Master Timur Gareyev, completed his domination of the JNBS UWI Chess Open during the Masters section when he defeated Jamaican FIDE Master Jomo Pitterson on Sunday, March 21 at the Assembly Hall, UWI, Mona . He copped a total of 8 points from a possible 9, thus gaining the title of Caribbean Collegiate Champion.
International Masters Giorgi Margvelashvili and Marko Zivanic followed in second and third place respectively with 7.5 and 6.5 points. National Master (NM) Shane Matthews of Jamaica, placed an impressive fourth, after securing a well-fought draw with IM Margvelasvhili. Marcus Joseph, the National Champion of Trinidad and Tobago, made an exciting comeback when he defeated both Jamaica’s top player, FIDE Master Warren Elliott and Swedish FIDE Master Bengt Hammar in tactical style.
Daren Wisdom captured the UWI Open Championship, after placing ahead of National Master Mark Holness on the tiebreak when both finished on 5 points. UWI’s National Master Damion Davy, captured third place in the UWI Open Championship with 4.5 points after splitting the point in a very close encounter with long time rival National Master Russell Porter.
In other sections, over two hundred participants sparred for the other sectional titles. Lawrence Foreman and Justin Lowe won the Under 12 Section, while Shreyas Smith captured the Under 16 section, all on perfect scores. Rachel Miller, Elias Issa and Aldeam Facey were victorious in the Beginners section.
The tournament was organized by the UWI Chess Society and is designed to promote chess both at the university and national level. President of the UWI Chess Society, Zachary Ramsay said he was proud of the involvement of the young chess players and sees the second staging of this tournament as being in keeping with the mandate of the Society as they seek to incorporate chess into the culture of the University and improve the intellectual drive and capacity of its students while striving to challenge a new generation of Caribbean chess players.
Part proceeds from the event will be donated to the improvement of the National Children’s Home, the Society’s outreach project. The event was sponsored by The Jamaica National Building Society, American Airlines, The Gleaner, National Commercial Bank, Pages Café and Supreme Ventures.
It will be difficult for Jamaica to raise their level if they continue with quick draws with each other. There is no way to draw with each other and expect to get a norm. I haven’t checked the ELO average, but they probably needed 6.5/9. for IM norm. Here are the results of the three top Jamaicans in the field.
Matthews-Pitterson, 1/2-1/2, (19)
Pitterson-Elliott, 1/2-1/2, (14)
Matthews-Elliott, 1/2-1/2 (15)
Jamaica’s finest are not helping each other get stronger by drawing so quickly. Even if the three draw each other and beat the lower four (4/4), they still would need to score 50% against top three. Tough.
Round #4
Round #5
Round #6
Round #7
Round #8
Round #9