Tate, Carlsson in Spain?
IM Emory Tate told me an e-mail that he is scheduled to play in Spain. What is interesting is that GM Pontus Carlsson will be playing at the same tournament in Spain soon. I got this comment from Tate:
“You know this guy? lol. This will be the first tournament we play together, unless he visited a World Open before his title. Be that as it may. Time to beat the drum. Send a message, a warning, even. Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.”
Carlsson recently played in the Four Nations Cup in Oslo, Norway and has stated that WFM Sabrina Chevannes was playing for England. Chevannes, who is currently a medical student, dominated play as a junior in England winning the UK Girls three years in a row. She also won the under-13 British Championship and practically every girl’s title. Chevannes will make her Olympiad debut in Dresden, Germany in November.
The Four Nations Cup is an Olympiad training tournament featuring Sweden, Norway, Latvia and England. Below is Carlsson at the Four Nations Cup playing IM Espen Lie of Norway. The Dresden Olympiad will be Carlsson’s second Olympiad and he is rounding into good form. He earned his GM title last year and should now be well into the 2500s after a strong performance in Corus “C”. He has also expressed strong interest in making his U.S. debut in the June and July. Stay tuned for updates!

GM Pontus Carlsson vs. IM Espen Lie
Daaim, Such news is interesting and inspiring. Do you check your webmaster address ever? I thought that was the way to send you other valuable news. I hope you’ll visit it and get my several notes to you from Washington state.
Yes, yes… all the time. I have been caught in-between. Generally when tournaments are already in the middle, I’ll just do a post-tournament report. I have gotten two notes from you about Nacho and glanced at them quickily. I’m glad you reminded me.
Here it is… https://thechessdrum.net/blog/?p=172
Here is the website for the 2008 Malaga International Open: https://www.ajedrezmalaga.org/06_07al10_11/07_08/open08/menu-08Open.htm.
Thanks a million Jim! For those of you who don’t know Jim Kulbacki, he has contributed to The Chess Drum on a number of occassions. We are grateful for his contributions!
Yes… Tate, Carlsson and Simutowe are all on the player roster. Interesting! Pontus won his first game in a Queen’s Indian. He showed a better understanding of the endgame. I found the game at the link below: