Nigel Bryant makes “Expert”!

Nigel Bryant, the latest of the New York scholastics to reach the ‘Expert’ level.
Photo courtesy of Derrick Bryant.

Two of a kind may not win many poker hands, but in chess a pair it is certainly something to applaud. Chess not only has a pair of siblings, but a pair of twin siblings who have now found chess success at an early age. Nigel Bryant is the latest having broken the crucial 2000-level barrier. Nigel’s younger twin Jehron accomplished the feat earlier this year.

Nigel accomplished this feat at New York’s May Open scoring a respectable 2.5/4 featuring a draw with National Master Yevgeni Margulis. This is yet another of the promising talent that now makes way for the largest collection of Masters in the African-American community since the 80s. Kassa Korley has graduated on to reach 2300-level and is clearly on course to make International Master. There are a large cadre of Experts (2000-2199) mostly coming from the New York area. A couple are approaching Master level. This development is due to a rich chess culture, regular strong opposition and several programs that provide young players with an environment to reach their dreams.

Nigel has been encouraged by his peers and wrote a very warm comment to his twin,

As your twin brother you know that I’m supporting you 101%. I will not be shocked to see Jehron Bryant holding the National Masters title soon. I’m very proud of you and I’ll be up there soon, you can count on it.

Now Nigel has joined his brother and several of his friends, notably Justus Williams and Josh Colas, two of the most promising talents who are U.S. All-Americans. Derrick Bryant made these comments about the twins.

Inspired by his twin brother’s accomplishment last December, when Jehron reached 2007, plus the inspiring words from your bloggers, I’ve never seen Nigel worked that hard to attain such accomplishment. Like what I’ve written before, your site with your inspiring words especially to our young has such a positive influence. I guess with the right amount of push, parental support and guidance, with enough motivation, one can achieve what they want in life much sooner than later. Expect more positive things to come from the Bryant twins as they plan to soar much higher this summer as they are graduating in 1 week from middle school, after being inducted to National Junior Honor Society.

Perhaps the biggest fan of the Nigel and Jehron would be Belinda Pura, the proud mother of the 13-year olds. A native of the Philippines, she stated that the country would be reading accomplishments of her sons. Given the rich chess talent that the country produces, Filipinos can claim an “assist” here. Both of the Bryant twins will be at the World Open in a couple of weeks to make an impact amongst the 1200 players scheduled to compete.


  1. Once again, a big hurdle was overtook by Nigel, having seen him worked this hard, he truly deserved a BIG CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done. We are truly proud of you!!!!

  2. Hey, Daaim, you may never knew this, but I think that a write from you is also one of my twins motivating factor. So thank you for such a nice write up. Rest assured that you will always be a part of my children’s success. Continue the positive reinforcement to our youth. God Bless.

  3. Congratulations Nigel!! All your hard work is paying off. You truly deserve all that is coming to you. Wishing you much success in the future. Remember to always aim for the stars! We are all very proud of you. Much love.

  4. Congrats lil bro! I am so very proud of you! Please continue on becoming successful! I love you so very much!

  5. A significant step towards the fulfillment of your ultimate goal. Congrats! and welcome to the elite club!

  6. Nigel, I am so proud of you. I always knew you could do it, you just needed a little perserverance and inspiration. I am one of, if not THE, proudest brother in the world. Every accomplishment you make it feels like I made it aswell. So lets leave this expert stage as Masters TOGETHER ! Keep it up and work hard as always.

  7. Nigel, I am so proud of you. You have just become my new hero I working hard to reach your level

  8. hey nigel you are the best! u set a record CONGRATS to u AND jehron and keep working hard! 😀 love ya an i hope you a great future

  9. Hello Nigel. Congratulations. Keep working hard in chess and in school, and set your goals high! I look forward to following your progress come nationals time in the fall.

    “The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.” – Chinese proverb

  10. Congratulations Nigel! Thanks to you and your family for being so nice to my family at the H.S. Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. Great job to your mom and dad!
    The Shakoor Family

  11. Congratulations Nigel on your new feat!Both of you and Jehron will be NMs very soon and good luck at the World Open!Keep it up!

  12. Congratulations Nigel and Jehron. You are both a fine example of what anyone can accomplish by applying diligence, determination, focus and possessing a good attitude. You two are the most polite kindhearted young men and I wish you only great success in all of your future endeavors!!!

  13. Belinda UM on the floor!!! hahaha, ya Kobe Bryant L.A. Laker bush boys, Congratulations to you all , yall got my stomach hurting! , no wonder Ivanchuck and da boys seeing footsteps and hearing ghosts , fides top guys ! 13 year old experts !!! Thanks Brother Shabazz! Peace.

  14. To GOD be the Glory for AWESOME things He has done! I am so very proud of you. You have accomplished a wonerful feat. By being on the level of chess MASTER, you have learned a very POWERFUL tool and skill. By learning the strategies of chess, your mind is trained to stay MANY STEPS ahead of the “game”. Not only is this for the game of chess but, use it for the “game” of life. I LOVE so very much but, JESUS LOVES you best! May GOD continue to richly bless you. Love Aunty Nikka

  15. Hey! Hey! Hello Nigel words can not express what I feel right now. I always new there was something special about you and your brother from the day you guys were born, continue to trust your first though and make you last move count. You and your brother have made this family very proud continue to be blessed. I would also like to thank my brother and sister-in-law you guys are doing a wonderful job with the boys keep up the good work. Love always Aunty TuTu and Kids.

  16. The stars have written your name accross the sky and all we have to do is look up in amazement and smile on your great accomplishment .Congratulation Nigel and gool luck in your future in everything that life have to offer to you.

  17. Once again I am sooo proud of you Nigel, I always knew that rhere was greatness in you and your brother. I want to congragulate you on reaching expert status of chess. I always admonished you to reach for the stars, keep looking up, and keep praying. Congrats to Derrick and Belinda also for raising such find young men. You have made me proud. You are now master of the game. GOD BLESS.

    love Granny Joyce

  18. Congratulations Nigel and Jehorn! Always keep it up. Your Mom and Dad must be very proud of you guys. Once again congratulatulations for your success and wish you all the best in the years to come.
    Ninila Rotta

  19. I hope both of you brothers make GM, it was tough as a young black player in the 70’s as we didn’t have much support. But several of us made expert and master here in Buffalo, NY including myself. Go on brothers, and most importantly succeed in the chess game of life!

  20. Congratulation Jehron
    The next time I’ll be saying congrats, is when you and Nigel make MASTER. (which will be real soon) I’m so very proud to call you… ” my nephew ”

  21. Double congradulation to you… NIGEL
    Your Uncle Phil is an old man and has an occasional lapse of memory. Please forgive me for mistakely calling you Jehron in my shoutout yesterday… but the pride I have for you and Jehron is no mistake. Don’t forget to show me those new lines in the counter-center. “Who said you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks”

  22. Congrats Nigel!
    You’ve made it! You have been an inspiration to your peers and otherwise. Your hard work and persevance had paid off.(You could give Nyika some pointers). God Bless you to be a fine young man and you have used it to your advantage. (Just Brilliant)! Keep on keeping on!l!!

  23. Congrats Nigel and I know that you will go on to accomplish many more great feats in your life your life time. You are a role model and an inspiration to me and all of the younger chess players who would love to follow in your footsteps. I hope to accomplish what you and your brother have achieved at such an early age.

  24. Nigel Congats!!!! Your perseverance and hard work has paid off. I only expect more great things to come from an impressive young man who only has begun to reach his potential. The world is yours!! I look forward to your next major accomplishment.

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