The Chess Drum beats in Trinidad!

Daaim Shabazz will attend the Caribbean Chess Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago beginning August 3rd and extending to August 8th. The tournament has been able to attract top players from Latin America and the Caribbean. IM Humberto Pecorelli of Cuba has won the tournament the last three years, but will not defend his title this year. Newly-minted International Master Jomo Pitterson will represent Jamaica. This chess carnival will also include sections for under-10, under-12, under-14. American junior Josh Colas will be playing in the Open section against the top competition.

Daaim Shabazz enjoying “doubles” with host Edison Raphael.

Drum Coverage:


  1. 2010 Emancipation Day (Port of Spain)

    Daaim Shabazz having fresh fruits in the guest house. Fresh papaya is nice in the morning.

    American fast food seems to be a popular fixture in many countries.

    Fresh coconut water or coconut gel sold here… delicious!

    There is chess in the park!

    Muslim ladies looking beautiful in their colorful garments.

    There was indication of Orisha spirituality.

    Daaim posing with one of the participating groups.

    Parade Fashion… splendid!

    One of my favorites!

    “Playboyz” Steel Drum Band


    Practicioners of the African-Brazilian martial art of “capoeira”. It was created in Brazil by African slaves as a means of sense defense, but was disguised in danceforms, music, song and artist expressions. The Trinidadians are giving an exhibition inside of what is called a “roda.”

    Refreshing after a hot day in the sun!

    Emancipation Park

    More Expressions of Emancipation


    A very common complaint from developing nations in the Caribbean.

    Wow… how colorful!

    Lots of happiness 🙂

    There were lots of outward expressions of Africanness…

    … and dreadlocks were common.

    This woman was very expressive in her celebrations…
    very nice lady too!

    Very regal look of a King.

    Notice the diversity of colors and different styles of the outfits.

    Cutest girl! Her mother said she enjoyed posing.
    Can’t you tell?

    Full Set (Facebook):

  2. Hey Dr Shabazz,

    So uplifting to read Chess Drum. We spread the interesting news we read in your articles. I’m now getting the RSS feeds and that works beautifully. Highest congratulations to the vital service you are providing to the diverse communities. HOW do you do it (get around to all the events)?

    Our hats off to you,

    Jeffrey Day and Company

  3. Daaim: Great pictures!!! Beautiful clean looking sisters!!! You’re doing a great job for your people and they will long remember you for your diligence and dependability. Salaam Alaikum.


  4. Daaim, the photos are beautiful. It is so wonderful to see the celebration of independence. The pride of the people, so evident, I enjoyed these photos. Thanks for sharing.

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