Record falls… Colas makes Master!
Joshua Colas is no longer “JoshuKid”, his ICC moniker. He has grown up in chess. Last night at the Marshall Chess Club, he eclipsed the 2200 rating barrier after beating National Master Leonardo Martinez (2256). In doing so, he breaks the age record for youngest African-American, or generally speaking, Black player to reach National Master.
The record is now lowered to 12 years, 3 months and 11 days. While Colas’ does not hold the overall national record for youngest Master (Samuel Sevian), this feat is quite an accomplishment. About 2% of all U.S. players ever reach the rank of National Master.

Joshua Colas (right) in action versus NM Leonardo Martinez at the Marshall Chess Club. Guy Colas in background watching. Photo by James Black, Sr.
Joshua has his sights set on higher goals and has recently worked with GM Alexander Stripunsky. Having just won the 7th grade national championship last weekend, his Master’s title is the latest of what has been a wonderful year for the young star. It will also be a point of motivating other players to seek higher heights at a young age. Congratulations Joshua!!
Age for youngest African-American National Master
Joshua Colas (12 years, 3 months, 11 days)
Justus Williams (12 years, 3 months, 28 days)
Kassa Korley (15 years, 2 months)
Howard Daniels (15 years, 4 months)
K.K. Karanja (15 years, 7 months)
Shearwood McClelland, III (15 years, 10 months)
Congrats Josh!
Congrats…I was hoping you would finish the tournament and win first place as well ! I wish you the best of luck in continuing to climb the chess ranks! With GM Stripunsky you are in good hands… This is amazing, to think that this record is still in danger as James A. Black still has a chance…these young guns really can play and will shatter all the records.
Contgratulations Josh! You inspire me to strive to be the youngest and 1st African American Female Chess Grandmaster hopefully one day! Lord willing! Keep doing what you are doing!
Hi Shaun,
It’s nice to know that you have such confidence in Josh! Regrettably, it was a school day and he was still exhausted from the Nationals and could not stay to win the tournament. Thanks for the encouraging words.
Josh, A big conrgrats again! You make it evident that you can do anything you want if you put your mind into it. I am highly motivated by the efforts you have put in chess, and hopefully am on my way to the National Master’s title as well. Well, Congratulations again and keep striving for the best.
Congrats to you and your family.
Great Job Josh!!!!!
Jehron you will get there! And so will James and any other kid who is determined and prepared to put in the time and effort. There is no other way! Otherwise, you will remain in the mix. I also want to thank all the other people who took a minute of their time to make me feel good about my achievement.
Josh is exactly right. Any accomplishment you set forth to achieve has to have a consistent effort. It is important to establish a routine. My hope is that young players will spend a lot of time together analyzing openings, discussing and analyzing games and solving intricate endgame problems. These are fun to do together and can be done in between rounds whenever time permits. These friendships will be important later on.
Congrats from the Jamaica Chess Federation to the young “master” for this great achievement. New goals have to be set, pursued and (with the ambition, dedication, determination etc. displayed hitherto) realised. Continue to excel and make us proud.
Congratulation to Joshua Colas on achieving the master title and the 7th grade nationals. Keep up the good work young man.
Congratulation to Joshua Colas on achieving the master title and winning the 7th grade nationals. Keep up the good work young man
Congratulations, Josh, on getting the Master’s title! I know that you have much higher goals in mind for yourself, which you know takes a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication. You’ve clearly got what it takes to get there.
Still, remember to enjoy each step on the path. The road has many ups and downs with plateaus that might seem extra long. Continued effort and enjoying the journey is the key. You have crossed a significant marker. Enjoy it with your wonderfully supportive family. And then go make some more noise! Congrats again!
Josh takes notice when GM Maurice Ashley speaks! After all, he is the First AA to attain the level of IGM. By the way, Maurice and I have a long history. We went to the same High School and University. Also, when Maurice talks about this kid who kept beating him over and over when he was still an amateur, he’s referring to Josh’s uncle. My brother and Maurice use to play chess almost daily at my parent’s house and they would play until 2 or 3 in the morning. Back then, I remember telling Maurice to aim for GM and not settle for NM and now to see him returning that advise to my son is truly remarkable.
Hi Josh. Congratulations on joining the Master club…we are all very proud :). It is truly a rare feat for a scholastic player to be an All-American, national champion and national master at the same time. Keep up the great work!
“Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion” – Michael Jordan
Congrats Josh… I believe you have the work ethic it takes to reach great heights! Keep it up!
Well done and congratulations Guy and Josh! The fruit of your labor is sweet, and I must say you deserve it.
Although you kicked my… a few times when we last played, I’ll take the compliment (loL). Josh always talks about your cute and extremely talented daughter. Josh remembers how she took him down to an end game in their blitz game. I Hope she’s still playing. Take care.
Congratulations Joshua and family! Best wishes always!
Kimani A. Stancil
Maybe one day you will be the first African American to win the US Championship, too 🙂
Hey Quentin,
I will print and save your prediction and hopefully one day Josh can refer to it as a reference. Anything is possible if the dedication, motivation and discipline are there. Our President made that plenty clear.
Wonderful focus and congratulations to you all. Peace.
Great Job Josh!
– Russ and Michael
A remarkable double win (titles)! I wish I had the talent and ambition at that age to even try for a rating much less National Mastery. When I was a bit older I did try to obtain the skills needed but I fear it was not in me(Though I did enjoy many a day/night at the Village Chess Shop while making the effort.)
I greatly admire those who persevere in the game and succeed. Particularly at such a young age. 🙂 Josh I wish you the best of everything. Thanks for making my day brighter having read about this. I hope more kids become aficionados of our great game. (I am no longer more than a “patzer” but I enjoy the game still, particularly in the summer times in Thompkins Square Park.)
Great accomplishment . You have succeeded where so much have failed. Congratulations once more.
Congratulations! This is a beautiful accomplishment. Next stop International norms?
Thanks Frank. In the lowerhud article, the reporter meant to say, Joshua’s next goal will be to earn the IM title.
Wow what a feat Joshua! Remember it was Joshua and not Moses that led the Israelites into the Promised Land. Could history be repeating itself in the chess world. Just kidding Joshua, don’t mean to put any unnecessary pressure on you. But I must say I was so impressed with you after we played and analyzed our game at the 2010 amateur team east tourny. You are the most impressive young man I have ever met at the chess board. And it’s not just your play but your demeanor. Remember when I misplaced my phone and the interest you showed in me finding it, even though it delayed the game. You know qualities like that are more important than your chess abilities, but I think they help. Anyway it is also a testimony to the good training your parents are giving you.
Keep up the fantastic work.
Thank you very much! I think it was really good and important that you took the time to review the line you played with me.
Congrats Joshua…Your obvious hard work is paying off!..It’s a beautiful thing watching a father showing his son that he can accomplish whatever he puts his mind towards!…
Success doesn’t come to you?you go to it.”Marva Collins
Keep on with the journey…
Great work, brother! Your discipline and love for the game has paid off in this achievement, and I am sure others are coming closely behind it. I hope your love for the game continues to grow along with your understanding. Kudos!
To Guy Colas –
Yes, print it out and have Josh look at it every now and then.
Maurice Ashley broke down the barriers with the GM title and that got a lot of African Americans playing harder and realizing that IM’s and GM’s are possible. The next hurdle is the US Championship. It’s just a matter of time. I hope to one day get to play Josh. And even though I’m going to lose the game, I’m going still brag that I got a chance to play him 🙂
i know im late on the response to this event but i wanna congrats to joshua…..this young man is here is talanted and i am very proud of u….when i see u in the marshall ill make sure to give u bump on the head lol nah jus kidding but congrats and keep up the good work kiddo
Thank you Malik!
Congratulations Joshua!
This truly is a wonderful accomplishment! I truly pray that you stay ‘grounded’ as you reach all of those heights that are yours for the taking!
Very proud of you for this accomplishment.
Josh – Congratulations on your accomplishment and good luck for many more.
Venkat Balakrishnan( dad of Praveen)
A minor controversy has apparently ended with Bill Hall of the USCF certifying the National Master status of Josh. Dr. Woody McClelland alertly pointed out that the USCF’s late rating of the World Youth had nullified Josh attainment of the title. This was despite the fact that the USCF had originally posted his 2203 rating.
The World Youth was held in October, but was only rated on January 2nd meaning that Josh’s USCF record does not show him breaking 2200. However, Josh’s strong performance from Trinidad was not included, so he certainly would have broken the mark (even earlier). An official report is forthcoming.
Is the event from Trinidad ever gonna be USCF rated, or rather should I ask was it ever supposed to be rated? That tournament was held during the summer right?
We all knew the World Youth was going to be rated and so knew the re-rate was coming. With that said, the USCF must rate “scheduled international events” a little bit sooner to avoid such problems. If the Trinidad event was not scheduled to be USCF rated, then the ratings are actually accurate and the weird footnote is Joshua is a Master, but has no record on his rating history to show him ever 2200 or above.
I think the USCF should wait 30-60 days before certifying masters and other important titles. FIDE for example makes players wait a very long time. So who owns the record if the above is actually true? Curious what others think of this?
Well… true. FIDE makes a player wait because of the vetting process of the norms and the paperwork required. The Committee reviews every application and then confers after the application is in good order with all stamps, signatures and fees paid.
In the USCF, the “National Master” is the only title conferred (“Life Master” is an appendage based on 300 games), so I’m not sure how much waiting they would do. They simply need to rate events in a more timely fashion and that would solve the problem.
In actuality, the age record for African-American National Master has not been news for many years. When Kassa Korley broke it, there was an announcement of his feat on The Chess Drum… no mention anywhere else. He received a lot of congratulations from within the African-American community and his relatives from New York and Denmark. We moved on shortly after that.
When Justus broke it, it became a big sensation with congratulatory remarks from a wide spectrum of people. When Josh got the posted rating, it was the same euphoria. Many people were happy for both. I believe the downside is that some adults and organizations involved with both of the boys continue to stoke an unhealthy competition between the two.
It’s unfortunate.
Hey Shaun,
Since you’ve asked for an opinion concerning my son, I want to give you my opinion. I believe that the policy maker’s decision based on their rules to certify Josh answers your question. Like it or not, it’s the decision that has been rendered. Now, the question should be whether it is time for a policy change if necessary. However, using arrogant terms like weird footnotes because you disagree with a decision is pointless. Despite of how you feel, I am sure you can still make your argument without belittling anyone’s accomplishment. If you feel that I am wrong, then make it clear as to what’s the purpose of using terms like ” weird footnote.”
No reason to make anything personal. Especially since I am a big supporter of Joshua. With that said, as a tournament director who deals with the consequences of re-rates all the time, I wish there were some serious policy changes. By weird footnote I mean it is odd saying someone achieved master status but has no record on the USCF page showing a rating of at least 2200. I am sorry if I offended you or Joshua, this was not my intention. I think they should post his title on his page and make it clear.
I had a re-rate problem with the USCF several years ago. I was planning on playing the world open with a 1999 rating, but a re-rate shifted my rating to 2003 and I was forced to play a different section. I was told by the USCF that the re-rate was the real rating and any rating prior was not official. I thought this was unfair, but they stuck to their guns. So my issue is not about Joshua, but about when a rating becomes official and when the title becomes official.
To follow up with your comment, Bill Hall Certifying the title is antithetical to the decision I was given about 5 years ago. So I still have questions for the USCF, but I mean no disrepect to Joshua. As such, I hope you regret calling me arrogant, as it is uncalled for—I think you know me better than that! I think Joshua is a true talent and will do great things in this game and in life.
I think the bigger issue is rating international events or providing a waiting period to declare title like FIDE does.
Again, nothing here is personal. The rules the USCF currently has create some flaws with ratings and titles and need to be fixed to protect the integrity of both.
I don’t know of a “waiting period” for FIDE titles. The only waiting that is done is due to the international nature of the vetting process. Once a federation files a title application, no wait is needed since all the documentation is in the application. If the person is conditional title on rating, then the only waiting is for the player to gain the points needed, but that’s a different matter. USCF process for NM title is a lot less involved than this.
By the way, I know of an IM who never had a posted 2400 rating after getting all the norms. He made 2400 in the middle of a tournament, but did not maintain it. According to FIDE rules, that is sufficient. Nevertheless, he is an IM and nobody goes on his record and makes a big deal about it. Who would even know about it??
As for Josh rating, they will put up that notation eventually. This issue of there being no official 2200 appearing on his record is problematic, but he will get that. I believe your issue is who is the rightful holder of the record. For many of us in the African-American community, it is a happy time. However, we move on quickly from that and look forward to their next challenges.
I have moved past this issue. No, I do not feel repentant about calling you arrogant. The motive behind your question as to who really holds the record will only fuel tension and you know that. That’s is certainly what we would like to see between 12 year olds. I am not sure what you have done or said on behalf of Josh that justify your claim of being a BIG supporter of him. I’ll have to keep an eye on your future comments to give you the benefit of doubt. For now I think we should end this conversation. But, if you still want to continue on, let’s find a different time and place for that.
I think you you have the wrong idea here. Just because I have a close relationship with Justus does not mean that I am partial to one student. I was happy to see Joshua break 2200 and posted my congrats on this site. After ready Woody’s comments which also question the master status of Joshua, I thought it was an interesting topic worth discussing. At no time was he attacked for bringing up the issue. But for some reason I am called arrogant because I thought it weird that someone can still claim to have made master and have no record of being 2200 on the site. I do not blame you or Joshua, since I saw him break 2200 also and we were all were proud. However, the re-rate occurred and that did change some things, for all the players with FIDE ratings who played in the event. Note: Samuel Sevian adjusted his Wikipedia page and his record to account for the re-rate–, so it may not be fair to use Samuel as an example either.
Also, the reason Joshua’s performance was not rated in Trinidad was not because the USCF forgot or acted sloppily, but instead because he lacked a FIDE rating going into the event, see
I have a legitimate concern with the USCF and its rating policies and how titles are awarded, and based on my previous comments am very curious how they will handle these issues, since I am sure they will come up again and again since tournaments are rated so quickly and many times re-rated and re-rated again based on late tournament submissions and internationals events.
With all this said, I am not trying to create a problem. My question of who holds the record is legitimate given what I have seen. It would be nice if the USCF posted the records on their site. But we are all left to guess.
I have had the pleasure of seeing Joshua play for several years all over the city and in his early years at my events in NYC. Ask anyone, including his most recent coach and other folks I know, I have always stated my case for how good he is and will be. However, I do not need anyone’s verification for my support—it simply exists.
It would be nice if people answered questions based on the facts and stayed away from accusations and ad hominem arguments.
We live in a sad world where everyone assumes the worst. Can no one ask a question or bring up an issue without a negative motive? I thought the discussion of legitimate chess topics was OK. Again, I apologize if I have offended you or Joshua, that was not my intention and I honestly wish the best for you and your family. I hope to see him and you soon. I may play at this month’s NY Masters
The issue with Sevian had to do with the fact that the re-rate almost nullified his record since it pushed him within three days of Nicholas Nip. That would have been tragic since it had received a lot of press already. At the time Sevian’s record was announced, his Master’s rating was posted, but then disappeared after the re-rate.
Those investigating did not find Sevian’s 2200 attainment at the time it was reported (December 11th). Fortunately, he had played in other tournaments and was able to get 2200 a week later. It is another example of how the lagtime can have potentially damaging consequences.
I believe we all understand the Trinidad case better after the last couple days, but I would suppose that the USCF did not even know about the tournament until a couple days ago. Not rating the tournament seems strange if the player has a USCF rating. The calculations are for USCF purposes anyway. I’m curious of the policy changes that will be made to clear up this rating issue. The easiest thing to do would be to simply rate the tournament as they are submitted.
If they are submitted late there should be an increased penalty to the offending party. However, I don’t believe the USCF should re-rate every time there is a late result coming in. This practice could have repercussions on team selections where ratings are used (i.e., All-American, World Youth, Olympiad). Imagine if someone gets bumped from one of these teams after a re-rate. Such could be a litigious situation.
I did not response to Woody’s statement because he did not seek public opinion to validate who really holds the record for youngest black master. Rightly or wrongly he stated what could have been an unfortunate situation for Josh-nothing wrong with that! Besides, Woody has always full-heartily complimented josh when it was necessary. Bill Hall did tell me it will take a little time, but he will post the certification of Josh’s Master Title. If you notice, there haven’t been any negative comments about the boys. Daaim and others have really done a good job in helping to reduce that. We don’t need any more distraction to thwart Josh’s progress. So, while you are free to continue your fight with the USCF, it would make more sense if you would do it privately.
If you study the history of chess often times you will find persons of African descent following the dubious ideas of others and subsequently this leads to bad judgement in various areas of the game , this creates stagnation in terms developing the intellect for generations to come. We may be passionate about our “own” perspective ,yet, we must remember our youth is here listening and learning, today gentlemen we should feel ashamed , perhaps tommorrow we rise anew. Peace.
Honest debates are always welcome. However, one should be mindful of what Benjamin Franklin once said: Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
Josh! I just got the news! Congrats lil Bro! Good job Dad supporting and encouraging Josh. Josh did you get anything out of that book Zurich 1953 I recommended to you and your Dad several months ago? I an honored to know you and met you and Dad. Keep pushing lil Bro. Congrats from me and all of the Chess Gym students in New Orleans, La.
Thanks Coach Rene Phillips. I know that Dad had tried to get the book right after we had met with you, but it was out of stock. Since then, I think he has forgotten about it. I’ll remind him about it. Please tell your students that their support means alot to me and for them to keep working hard to get better at chess.
Congrats to Josh for “officially” becoming a master due to his tournament last night, rising from 2182 to 2201.
The only question is when the USCF certifies his master status, will they use the date of this tournament (January 13, 2011), or the December 16th, 2010 date…using the 2011 date would still make Justus the record holder for youngest African-American master.
Regardless of how the USCF politics plays out, once again, congrats to Josh.
They used the December date to certify his Master’s certificate. It also lists “2010” as the year of acheiving the title. It is really an unfortunate situation that this circumstance has occurred. The USCF has to revisit the policy on rating late tournaments since ratings are generated instantaneously now. Players who have been playing awhile may remember the rating supplements that came out every month.
(For those who are not familiar, if you had tournaments that had not been rated in between rating periods, your magazine label would bear “UNOF” or unofficial until the USCF caught up.)
My concern is the potentiality of major disputes if a re-rate affects some type of age record, or a selection to a national team. For example, if you select an Olympiad team of five players, but then a re-rate pushes the one or more players off the team, you could have a real dispute. With re-rates, the USCF is trying to maintain the sequencing of events, but it creates problematic situations when tournament directors are untimely in submitting their reports.
My view is this… whatever ratings exist in the USCF system are official at the time they are posted. I believe Josh played in at least one tournament with his 2203 rating. There are no “unofficial” ratings anymore unless you are trying to get your first rating. This issue of re-rates is problem that needs addressing.
The USCF ratings have always been similar to FIDE, where the only truly “official” ratings are in the monthly lists. No matter how up-to-date online ratings calculations are, they are still unofficial. At any USCF tournament, the rating used is your official supplement rating, not your unofficial (but 99% of the time more accurate) rating. If you were to use the online ratings as official, there would be continual chaos for tournament directors, and pairings would be regularly affected.
To me the best situation is where the USCF makes a time cutoff stating that any tournament submitted more than 2 months after its completion forfeits the right to be rated in chronological order.
That’s not my understanding. I believe they look your rating up in the system now since the difference could be substantial in between supplements. Otherwise there is no way of looking at your record at and determining what the official rating is.
I’ll check on this issue with Bill Hall.
No…its still done by the supplement rating. That is the only true official rating. You can find it by looking under your name on and look at “Current Published Rating”. That is the only truly official rating.
Thanks Woody! At this point, Josh has shaken-off the short-lived confusion on the subject of when he made Master. It seems minor given that his main goal is to become a GM. I didn’t fully grasp Lionel Davis’ comment at first, but given what I’ve seen in the week immediately following the rating dispute, I realize he was right.
You’re right current published ratings are used for tournament pairings. However, if you had knowledge of what you just posted, I’m surprised you’d make a congratulatory comment #14 if you knew the rating was “unofficial”. In addition, you just posted comment #51 today when Josh (by your definition) has an unofficial rating.
The truth is… the only qualification you need to make Master is to make 2200 as a “published rating” not a “supplement rating”. If you look at Samuel Sevian’s record his “supplement rating” in January is 2157, but he has been 2206 since December 2010. Are you saying he did not break the age record for Master because the supplement has never posted his 2200 rating? If your logic is correct then Nicholas Nip is still the youngest master ever. However, both Josh and Samuel were certified in 2010, so they must be using the “published rating” instead of “supplement rating”.
You pointed out that FIDE and USCF handle ratings in a similar way. Not in all cases and certainly not in this one. Interim ratings are used all the time for FIDE rating qualifications. Each FIDE game you play is rated instantly and interim ratings are used. For example, if you are trying to qualify for an IM title after earning three norms, you need a 2400 rating. However, that rating DOES NOT have to be posted in the official supplement for you to meet the 2400 rating qualification.
You can begin a tournament at 2398, gain the two points to make 2400 and then lose a point ending on 2399. However, the fact that you reached 2400 means you’ve met the qualification. There is an acquaintance of mine who is an IM and has never had the posted 2400 FIDE rating (highest post was 2397), but he did earn the rating in the middle of a tournament.
When I said “official” in my earlier post, I was referring to the official ratings used for tournaments and pairings — not for records. Only the “official” ratings are used for pairings, but the up-to-date unofficial ratings are used to define records. However, any record relying on these updated ratings is inherently “unofficial” until all of the events prior to that tournament have been rated. This is less of a problem now than in the 80s and 90s, when tournaments were frequently rated months after they were originally played.
I congratulated Josh both times because because: 1. he is deserving, and 2. its highly unlikely that there are any other tournaments prior to last night which have yet to be rated — unlike the World Youth, which everyone knew hadn’t been rated yet and was somewhat of an albatross over everyone who participated in it (Sevian, Josh, Justus, Troff, Zierk, etc.). Therefore, even though Josh being 2201 is technically “unofficial”, it is almost certain that the rating will become official very soon.
I was also slightly inaccurate in my other post in that while only the supplement ratings are officially used for tournament pairings, obviously rating changes that have taken place in between supplements are official and therefore count with regard to records. Its only when rating changes have taken place since the most recent supplement that they are technically unofficial until the next supplement has been published (presumably because that gives the USCF time to rate all of the events that occur in between supplements). Again, this is less of a problem now in the internet-driven world than it was 15-20 years ago.
Regarding the example listed in your final paragraph, a rating is not a true rating until the tournament is over. Therefore, even if someone breaks a rating barrier during a tournament but falls below that barrier before the end of that tournament, according to the USCF they never truly crossed that barrier. These rules haven’t changed in 20 years…its just that the recent travails of Josh and Samuel Sevian are bringing them to light again.
In the last paragraph I was referring to a case in FIDE. I agree that USCF and FIDE use similar approaches. We both know that Arpad Elo designed the system for the USCF and it was adopted by FIDE. Apparently, both the USCF and FIDE are allowing non-supplement ratings to fulfill rating requirements. I explained a case of a player whose 2400 FIDE rating was used mid-tournament. He never posted a “supplement” 2400 rating.
I agree. Josh is deserving, but if we are discussing a record, we don’t do that according to who is merely deserving or what is likely to occur. There has to be a criteria and either Josh met it or did not. Fortunately, he met it. Josh was certified in 2010 (as was Samuel Sevian) despite his supplement rating not being 2200. I can’t add anything more to this point.
I would endorse a variation of your suggestion of a cutoff. 💡
I will settle all this hubbub once and for all. Neither Justus nor Joshua hold the record, but that kid from Fresh does. He was like 8 years old and he checkmated Samuel L Jackson. And SLJ is at least GM status.
If not that kid, then probably a young Jonathan Corbblah would be the youngest, as I have only gotten worse with time. As a sixth grader I distinctly remember mathematically, philosophically and psychicly solving the game of chess, in between getting my Rhode Scholarship and finding Carmen Sandiego. Since then, all the Krispy kremes have slowed me down. Too bad its too long ago to prove it.
Seriously. No jokes here. I am waiting for my congrats.
Speaking of movies…We all remember “Searching For Bobby Fischer” the story of Josh Waitzkin age 6-8. What is very interesting is that apparently Mr. Waitzkin was rated in the range 1800 to 2100 age 9 to 12. This means that his namesake Josh Colas is a stronger player at that age…;)
For those who don’t know, Corbblah is a 2900-rated SuperGrandmaster. 🙂 You can read more about him here.
Regardless of what the ultimate decision is, both boys deserve much praise for the hard work they’ve done. They’re both are outstanding role models for any youngster of any race who want to strive to make master.
Joshua and Justus played a hard fought draw in the last round of the Liberty Bell Open. They both played in the Open section even though the both were eligible to play in the Under 2300 section. I’m impressed with how well they did playing against players rated 100-200 points higher rated.
Records are meant to be broken. If it’s not Joshua, then there will be another bright young start who will break it. Maybe it will be Justus’ teammate, James Black or maybe some youngster who’s quietly working his/her way up the ranks.
Let’s not belittle anyone’s accomplishments. It saddens me to see tension between various people and the impact it has on the boys’ relationship. Chess is about competition, but many friendships develop out of playing in may of the same tournaments. Let’s not forget that part of chess.
Good comments. Scoring 3/7 is a strong record in the Open section. They both played strong players and will gain good experience. Thanks for the heads-up Polly!
I think it was a stroke of genius that the boys decided to work with each other and not against each other at The Liberty Bell Open. They did it with flair! They will continue to collaborate from now on as they march onward toward their destiny.
Any pictures from the Liberty Bell Open?
I was so wrapped up between playing my games and watching Josh and Justus and completely forgot about taking pictures. I’ll make a mental note for next time.
I took a few pictures at the tournament. I didn’t get them when they were playing each other, but I did get a few individual pictures of Josh and Justus. I will send them to Guy so he can forward them to you.
Thanks. Report coming soon on the Liberty Bell Open. Farai Mandizha of Zimbabwe tied for 1st! His USCF rating is now approaching 2500.
Jennifer Shahade shot a video at the Liberty Bell and at the 2:25 point you can catch a glimpse of Joshua and Justus playing.
Josh is has beaten a couple of IMs recently adding to his collection of scalps. IM Mackenzie Molner and IM Justin Sarkar are his latest victims.
I noticed Dr. Shearwood McClelland’s main page doesn’t have a comment section. Shouldn’t there be one? An African-American neurosurgeon from Harvard and Columbia who is also a National Master in chess. First single person to win the National 11th Grade and National 12th Grade Chess Championships. Youngest person to win at least two New Jersey State Championships. Youngest person to repeat as New Jersey State Champion. Only person to win New York and New Jersey high school championships in the same year. Only person to win New York and New Jersey high school championships in back-to-back years. And that’s not even half the list. And LOL his list of medical achievements is just as long as his list of chess achievements!
As of July 21, 2012, Josh Colas has reached 2400.
Colas wins Polgar’s World Open… wins $92,000 Scholarship!