Zimbabwe Open on New Year’s

The Zimbabwe Chess Federation (ZCF) is hosting their Open Championship beginning New Year’s Day and hope attract the continent’s best and brightest players. The press release stated that more than 200 “mental gymnasts” are expected to compete. ZCF President Charles Kuwaza was optimistic about attracting a strong field.

We have some of the best players in the region having already confirmed their participation. It is the biggest tournament to have been hosted in the region with big prize money in the offing. We are looking forward to it and we hope the prizes will stay here.

The 11-round format expects to attract players such as IM Robert Gwaze, IM-elect Farai Mandizha, Spencer Masango and Emily Zengeni along with regional players such as IM Watu Kobese of South Africa.

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Link: Taddy Manyepo, “Chess Masters to descent on Harare,” The Independent, 23 December 2010.


  1. International Master Robert Gwaze has just cliched the Zimbabwe international chess Open by agreeing a draw with Zambian player Musatwe Simutowe the elder brother of GM Amon in the final round to win the edition by a clear point with 8+ 3= for a 9 1/2 total without a loss. IM Gwaze was in scincilating form edging Spencer Masango in a tight game by introducing Nf5?! which was a very intelligent idea. The IM with two GM Norms prevailed when the prodege realised he was going to fall two pawns adrift and hence cede the game. For those of you who might be wondering about the exploits of this guy, he was in such terrific form last year(2010) he won every international tourney he took part in January he won the Zim Open and took the CUCA BGI in Angola the Gaborone Open thereafter prevailing in SA Open before running away with the Botswana Open title . Obviously we now wait for the third GM norm that makes him Grandmaster.

  2. Asking for results! what do you expect!!!!!!!!!!!!!?| From a tournament in which IM Gwaze was taking part , well you have it! It’s obvious he won with 9 1/2 and could even afford a drwa in the last round with Musatwe Simutowe but if you had been Cevan Mrerwa in round 10 then WELL THAT WAS A MASSACRE i’m beginning to think Gwaze is a Capablanca Reincarnation.

  3. An impressive performance from Gwaze. Winning such a string of tournaments is not a very usual occurrence.

    Ok,for those with details on the results,it would be very helpful if you give the final standing of the top 5-10. Mention has only been made of Gwaze. Who was second?Who was third? With how many points?

  4. Shever please,
    can you please be more detailed and just tell us position 2 by how much etc, who won who and all.

    Lewis Magaya,
    You only praise Robert, was he the only player in that tourney?
    Be more detailed, overview of the entire tourney please.

  5. We can see how difficult it is to get details. However, I’m glad to know who won the tournament. Gwaze will have to play in stronger events or he will never know his potential.

  6. Thats true Daaim.
    He has long been dominating the intermediate tourneys, he needs to step up his competition level like how Amon did. He needs to be tested in stronger fields. Wish him all the best he is a good player.

  7. Looking at Gwaze’s recent performance and the existence of the EGYPTIANS that have terrorised African chess for quite some time now, i anticipate a very interesting African Individual Championship. This is one event that will have a very surprising turn of events. We can only wait and see what will happen. And this time i really hope an African makes it through to the second round of the world cup.

    1. Yep Andrew,
      Why are you anticipating a very surprising turn of events? What happened at African Individuals at Namibia? He destroyed all of Africa, Egyptians involved. What we want is Gwaze to feature in overseas tourney’s where there is abundunce of strong players, to fully test his chess potential. He has nothing to prove in Africa but has a lot to prove to the world.

      1. I checked my coverage of the 2007 African Championship Namibia and Gwaze got a strong result with 7/9, but I’m not sure that we can say that he dominated the Egyptians. I believe he drew his games with the Egyptians he played. He won his first five games and drew his last four. He didn’t play in 2009 because of the travel issues.

        1. Thats true, I was following that Tourney closely, well put as you said. The point is he won when they were playing in that particular tourney unlike if he was crowned when they were absent. but the overall picture crowned him as the champ.

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