Seattle Officer helps chess cause
Very interesting story out of Seattle. With so many chess players being harassed (and arrested) by police in various cities, it is refreshing to see one police officer help the cause of chess. Seattle Police Officer Denise “Cookie” Bouldin recently received a Golden Tennis Shoe award from Washington Senator Patty Murray for working toward teaching chess to children. The chess activity takes place around the intersection of Rainer Avenue and South Henderson which is considered a rough section of the city.
The intersection is right in the battleground… right where kids need me. It’s two hours that kids get to be free of worrying about violence. They can just relax their minds and be themselves. I actually have kids lining up at the door, waiting for me to set up the chess.

Detective Cookie’s stirring speech has ignited streams of support.
The travesty she revealed during her tear-filled speech at the awards ceremony was that her funding has run out. Detective Cookie is looking for funds to keep the program going. Washington Senator Murray’s accolade will merely be a relic of the past if she does not raise $6000 to run the program. She is still hopeful that fortune will shine on her program. On the website Detective Cookie wrote:
My heart is more into giving the youth a reason not to handout or getting recruited to participate in crimes. I use to be one of these kids as I grew up in the Chicago Projects. Because of regular people as role models, I was able to refuse being recruited to sell drugs, to do drugs and prostitution. I know what peer pressure is like, I also know what’s its like to have a role model or somebody who cares, if only just a little bit.
Tax deductible donations can be made on behalf of Detective “Cookie’s” Urban Youth Chess Club through the Seattle Neighborhood Group.
c/o Detective Denise “Cookie” Bouldin
Club Hours
Saturday 12noon-2pm @ Rainier Beach Library
Weds 4:30 pm at the Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club
Read the Full Story here!