Egypt’s Adly denied travel to World Cup!

BREAKING NEWS! In what is clearly a disappointing development for Egyptian chess, GM Ahmed Adly was unable to receive clearance to participate in the 2013 World Cup which starts on August 10th in Tromso, Norway. Adly was prevented from traveling due to an obligatory service to the Egyptian Army.
There was apparently no way to delay the filing of military application for service. Adly told The Chess Drum that he had exhausted all efforts including the submission of an official letter from the Ministry of Sports. After trying various channels, today’s deadline to receive a concession for travel has passed. The other Egyptian players (GM Bassem Amin, GM Essam El-Gindy and IM Samy Shoker) were not affected.
Adly graduated from Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime in February and is required to submit papers to report for military service on next Sunday. The service would be one year if selected. Egypt has been gripped in a tense period of political instability following the removal of President Mohammed Morsi from power. Adly did not mention any political issues in his case.
Sad development.
An unfortunate situation. “Zugzwang” before a pawn is pushed! Best wishes for the GM Adly going forward. His disappointment must be really profound.
Actually its very true that ECF supported me so much in this issue,,and actually they did a lot of effort with me during last two weeks,,,,but unfortunately bureaucracy here is tooo much to fight!!
and actually that is a funny story to tell for all players around the world who think that life is too hard for them and they keep complaining they are not being supported ENOUGH from their country!!!!!!!!