Justus Williams plays gem in USCL

Justus Williams making his mark.

Justus Williams, 13, is one of the many talented players in American chess. However, his story is well-known. What is not known (or appreciated) is that he has already shown levels of maturity that will result in his ascending to higher heights in chess.

Justus recently scored joint first at the Barber Tournament of Junior High State Champions. He has qualified for the Denker Tournament of High School Champions on a couple of occasions, but it still too young to participate.

The young master is making his debut as a member of the New York Knights of the United States Chess League. He played a very technical game against National Master Craig Jones of Carolina Cobras. In this game, Williams adopts a positional bind on the position and executes a nice central thrust in 19.e5! Nice timing and he finished the game in clean fashion.

Justus Williams (New York) vs. Craig Jones (Carolina)


  1. Congrats! Congrats! I don’t see an October USCF rating on Justus Williams…the September rating was 2265. But USCF does have October ratings on the other Young Lions: James Black 2223, Josh Colas 2211, Jehron Bryant 2151 (getting close!), and Nigel Bryant 2080.

  2. The game of the week NM Justus Williams V NM Craig Jones is very instructive game in the King’s Indian Symmetrical variation, especially from 16 e5! to the last move 40 c8=Q+ Wow.

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