Arbiter’s Training in Jamaica

September 30, 2011
The Jamaica Chess Federation

Jamaica Chess Federation Arbiter Course

This is to announce that registration for an upcoming JCF Arbiter Course is now open and continues until October 18. Persons wishing to register must be paid up members of the JCF. The registration fee is J$1,000 which will cover all materials.

Completed entry forms with valid email addresses together with any fees or dues must be submitted to the undersigned no later than October 18, 2011. Once persons have registered material will be sent via email for purposes of study, following which a number of dates will be announced for seminars on the various topics detailed in the attached regulations.

The date of the certification examination will be announced once the seminars are completed. Persons who wish to take the examination for the title of Certified Assistant Arbiter will have to pay a fee of J$500.

Robert Wheeler FA FCM
Tel.: 999-2427

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