WWC2011-4: Hou still at +1

Humpy (right) on the move against Hou Yifan. Photo by Anastasiya Karlovich for FIDE.

Koneru Humpy (right) on the move against Hou Yifan.
Photo by Anastasiya Karlovich for FIDE.

After breaking out on top with a win yesterday, Hou Yifan had the white pieces against her Asian rival, Koneru Humpy. Looking to put a comfortable distance between them, Hou started the game with 1.e4 and perhaps expected another Petroff.

Humpy switched from the to the Open Variation of the Ruy Lopez involving a common pawn sacrifice for a lead in development. In fact, this game was following the Smirin-Kaidanov encounter in 2004 which was drawn in 19 moves.

However, Hou-Koneru would rewrite this analysis with a longer debate. Ater 19…Nd3 the game took on an interesting character. White had a bit better structure, but black had a stronger knight and bishop. In a few moves, however, white unraveled her position. After spurning a draw, Hou won a pawn, but in the end was unable to make any use of the h-pawn.

Humpy (right) on the move against Hou Yifan. Photo by Anastasiya Karlovich for FIDE.

Koneru Humpy checking the engine analysis at press conference with Nastja Karlovich. Photo by Anastasiya Karlovich for FIDE.

2011 Women’s World Chess Championship
November 14th-27th, 2011 (Triana, Albania)

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