RZA and Jay-Z in Chess Clash??
RZA of the famed rap group “Wu Tang Clan” released a video challenge to Jay-Z to lock horns on the chess board. Both are releasing music applications and this challenge looks like an ambitious attempt at cross-branding. It may be a boon to both product releases.

RZA (left) playing Monk at the King’s Invitation back in 2007.
Photo by Daaim Shabazz.
“RZA’s World” is an application that gives users access to exclusive content of his “Bobby Digital” soundtrack. Jay-Z is behind the “Decoded” for iPad/iPhone/iPod which allows access to his own musical content. In the video, RZA gave respect to Jay-Z as a trailblazer and issued the challenge to play on his new app.
RZA made mentioned a “million dollar purse” for the match, but there was no mention of whether Jay-Z would accept the challenge. RZA won the King’s Invitational hosted by the Hip-Hop Chess Federation.
As-Salaam Alaikum Brother Daaim!
I’m really looking forward to this. I’ve been waiting for the Bobby Digital movie forever. I hope that Jay Z accepts his challenge. It would be good for hip-hop. If Jay’s memory is any indication, RZA might have some trouble on his hands. Jay has an exceptional memory, and he’s very competitive. I saw how Medina Parilla (who was then a little above 1900) annihilated RZA. Not saying that Bobby would lose, but don’t count Jay out! Just to add, I am a huge fan of both artists.
The quote from Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was beautiful!
Wa Laikum Salaam.
You know RZA is not really a competitive player (as in tournaments), but he loves the game. Medina was much stronger than he was. However, I would believe that he’ll beat Jay-Z.