“Drum Beat” Vol.1, No. 2
In the second “Drum Beat” segment, we look at the latest news on The Chess Drum including the an exclusive article titled, “The Rise of the ‘Asian Dragons’,” which looks at the rapid development of four chess nations.
Also in this segment is a survey of other sites including “The Full English Breakfast“, ChessBase, uschess.org and the subzonal site at fideamerica.com. We take a quick look at the upcoming Anand-Gelfand match at chessdom.com and the TWIC announcement of the Candidates match in London.
The segment also examines news on the Twitter chess feeds and Facebook groups. Check out the entire segment below (17 minutes). Enjoy!!
Video by Daaim Shabazz/The Chess Drum
Chessvibes’ report on London Candidate’s tournament…
I wanted to give a correction to Bartlomiej Macieja’s name. It is pronounced bahr-twawn-yay ma-shay-a. I hope this is at least close.
Hou Yifan is actually the 6th seed Reykjavik Open and not the 3rd (as I reported).
Is there a way to get an embedded code?
Hi Susan,
I sent you an e-mail at SusanPolgar@aol.com.
Thanks a lot!