Hip-Hop Chess documentary!
“I’m not a chess whiz. I’m not a chess master. I’m just a guy who loves chess. What I’m pulling off of it philosophically is my strength.”
~Adisa Banjoko, Hip Hop Chess Federation
Adisa Banjoko with one of his students, Dyhemia Young. Young came from difficult circumstances and discovered chess through the HHCF. This led to a memorable experience at Susan Polgar’s invitational tournament.
Adisa Banjoko has recently released a short documentary on the founding philosophy of his organization and actually goes through its evolution. The HHCF emphasizes a fusion of hip-hop with martial arts, music and chess to give youth a way to express their energy in a positive direction. Besides Banjoko, there are comments by Dyhemia Young, Rakaa Iriescience, RZA and clips from various HHCF events!
I really admire what Adiso is doing! While many including eductors & administrators have written off many of our AA urban youth his message is simple, here are some basic tools to reach the urban youth with a message –Be postive and Be prepare [to stay and play in the game of life.
Congrats Adiso
Where can we view the documentary?
– Ernest