Quisqueya Tourney (Haiti)!

Following is a press release from “Ajeh Club d’Echecs” (@EchecsHaiti) about a tournament in Haiti in the village of Quisqueya. It was a youth tournament featuring seven players. French and a rough English translation are offered below.
Le tournoi d’ouverture de l’année scolaire de village quisqueya s’est déroulé le vendredi 12 octobre 2012 avec la participation de 7 joueurs .Apres avoir été reporté à plusieurs reprise, enfin le rendez-vous était fixé Le vendredi 12 octobre 2012 à 4h exactes, 3h30 pm tous les joueurs étaient déjà présent attendant le coup d’envoi de la compétition, et pour certain d’être la a L’heure pour ne pas perdre la chance de participer à cette compétition. C’est ainsi Vladimir arrive vers les 4h30 pm ne pouvait pas participer a cette compétition.
Il faut souligner la performance exceptionnel d’Helene qui a surclasser pour la seconde fois les joueurs comme ca été le lors de la deuxième édition du championnat de village quisqueya en août dernier. Les frères Pauleon continuent à acquérir l’expérience en terminant 6eme et 7eme de ce tournoi fermé.
The opening tournament of the school year Quisqueya village was held Friday, October 12, 2012 with the participation of seven players. Having been postponed several times, the appointment was finally set Friday, October 12, 2012. At 3:30pm all players were already there waiting for the start of the competition to be sure they did not lose the chance to participate in this competition. Thus, Vladimir arrives to 4:30 pm could not participate in this competition.
It should be noted the exceptional performance that outperform Helene for the second time players like this was when the second edition of the championship quisqueya village last August. Pauleon The brothers continue to gain experience finishing 6th and 7th this tournament closed.
Love the intensity!
The Scholar’s Mate didn’t work. 🙂
Two players ready to battle!
Seems the young players are fond of fianchetto bishops.
Threatening Qxg2… did he see it?
Nice! I am waiting on The Director of Chess from Port-Au-Prince to let me know the date that he wants Josh to come to Haiti.
I was just going to ask you when you were going back. One day I plan to go for the first time. I have always been endeared to Haitians. My hometown of Chicago was even founded by a Haitian, Jean Pointe Baptiste DuSable. I met the captain of the Olympiad team… a very gracious man. I will probably come back too angry though. I was very disappointed at how Haiti was ignored after the initial outpouring after the earthquake in 2010. Now hurricanes are battering the island and people there are suffering badly. I am surprised they made it to the 2012 Olympiad.
The Haitians have always gotten the short end of almost everything. But,
they are very sturdy and always find a way to turn things around. I’ve been in communication with the Director of chess and have received a very graceful
note from him. I am sure, like anywhere else, there are many talents out
Very strong, sturdy and with a lot of faith and resolve. Given all the hardships of the country, the earthquake did not dampen their spirit as they were singing songs for a better day. I was hurting bad, but their composure was so inspiring. I remember writing several articles about Haiti at that time. One was for ChessBase.
I am in favor of taking Josh down there so that the kids could hear about what he has accomplish thus far and help persuade them into taking up chess. It will be good for the country. I am even thinking about Josh offering them online training.
Indeed they are a strong people. Seeing what living in poverty is like, how can I not take every opportunity this great country offers and make every effort to accomplish something that will jolt the spirit of so many and create hope for them. I love my African American brothers and sisters, the likes of Martin Luther King, Malcom ,H Tubman ,Rosa Parks and millions of others who have made life better for their brothers with roots in the islands by sacrificing their lives.