Cleveland Alphas host Colas, Black

At last year’s Scholastic Open in Cleveland, Tony Dunlap had a vision to make his chess initiative into a national program. Last year, he invited Grandmaster Maurice Ashley who was able to give more legitimacy to such an idea.
This year, Alpha Phi Alpha hosted the 3rd Scholastic Open and also invited two more special guests to participate and inspire others. Both National Master before the age of 13, Josh Colas and James Black came to Cleveland with the idea of telling the youth how chess has played such a big role in their lives.
In an interview conducted before the tournament both players had a chance to discuss how they gained an interest in chess, what it has done for them and what their future goals are. Both are outstanding role models with a long list of accomplishments at such a young age. As expected both players shined in the competition, but the message was clear to those who attended.

Josh Colas and James Black, Jr. conferring at 2012 World Open.
Always looking to improve!
Tony Dunlap is clear on what his overall mission is…
Many people believe competitive chess directly contributes to academic performance. Chess truly makes kids smart because it teaches and enhances skills like planning, visualizing, and focusing. That being said, I would like to share a testimonial to the benefits of chess from a friend of mine. In 2012, my nine year old son and seven year old daughter were introduced to chess by Mr. Tony Dunlap. Since they have started playing chess, I have noticed that their mathematical aptitude has increased significantly and that they are both more attentive and careful in their school work—I attribute these improvements to chess. Everything taken to consideration, if the aforementioned skills are truly a benefit of playing competitive chess, then why aren’t more kids playing? Why aren’t there more chess programs in the school systems across the country? That is the question—a question that I am working to address and a question that I am sure that Invest in Chess will do its best to address as well.
by Invest in Chess!!
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Contact Tony Dunlap at
Cuyahoga Community College, Metro Campus
2900 Community College Avenue,
Cleveland, OH 44115 or call 440-339-6340
Shout out to Tony Dunlap and the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity for the forward looking movement they have in place to help lead the younger generation into becoming altruistic and successful adults. Tony is mindful of this tiny secret, invite kids to talk if you want kids to listen, and so he did just that. He summoned the two young masters to come down to Cleveland to communicate with some young aspiring chess masters. The two low key masters assuredly did not disappoint. Tony Dunlap ran a suave tournament and he is a very generous person.
Grettings chessdrummers, In an earlier post concerning young J.Colas he was expressing some issues with going beyond the 2400 level in chess. Adia why havent you givin this child my Phone Number so he an Learn ULTRAMODERNISM? Hi Sophia!!!