Uganda announces new Cabinet!

Dear All,
This is to inform you that the Uganda Chess Federation held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 23 February 2013 and elected new office bearers as follows:
President : Vianney Luggya
Vice President: Olga Robina Namwanje
General Secretary: Christopher Turyahabwe
Treasurer: Augustine Lwanga
Director Technical: Stephen Kisuze
Director Development : Robert Katende
National Coach : Bob Bibasa
Publicity Secretary : Caxton Kalule
The Annual General Meeting also amended the Constitution and extended the Executives’ term of office from 2 to 4 years. The titles of Chairman and Vice Chairman were amended to President and Vice President respectively.
In addition, two more executive positions of Director Technical and Director Development were introduced and adopted and the amendments took immediate effect.
The new team looks forward to a continued mutual and cordially beneficial working relationship with all of you.
Thanks and regards,
Vianney Luggya
Uganda Chess Federation
P.O. Box 2355, Kampala – Uganda.
National Council of Sports Headquarters, Lugogo
Tel: 256-752-426559