Diamond in the Rough… Discovered!
Diamond is growing and shining!
Diamond Shakoor has been on a path. A path that would take her through three Midwestern states: Michigan, Ohio and Missouri. The most recent move to St. Louis was an effort by her father Abdul Shakoor to put her in an environment where she could maximize her ability. Diamond has been able to amass a sizable trophy cache in her modest home and her father puts constant reminders around to inspire her efforts.
St. Louis has become the chess capitol of America and it is home to the World Chess Hall of Fame and the opulent Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis. The city has attracted top notch chess programs at Webster and Lindenwood Universities and is home to the U.S. Championship franchise (overall and women). Thus Diamond has an environment that is suited for her development. Several other families have moved to St. Louis for similar reasons.
KSDK-St. Louis interviewed Diamond and father Abdul to get a better idea of her amazing story.
Diamond and her father Abdul are also hosting a tournament in May billed, “1st Annual Diamond Shakoor CHESS FESTIVAL” to be held in Centreville, Illinois. The tournament will double as a fundraiser for Diamond’s chess development, but more importantly will provide an arena for children to compete and have fun! See details below!!
and Young Men’s Legion PRESENTS 1st Annual Diamond Shakoor
@ Centreville City Hall
5800 Bond Ave. Centreville, Illinois 62207
May 4th, 2013 8 am – 4 pm
12-years old “National Chess Champion” hosting her own scholastic chess tournament for Illinois, Missouri, surrounding areas!
The Program Includes:
* Registration fee is $10.00 all students will receive a medal/award! trophies top 5 each section. Three sections: Elementary K-5, Middle School Grades 6-8, High School Grades 9-12.
* Registration limit of 100 players! Not United States Chess Federation rated tournament… standard rules apply! Touch Move. Tournament Director Mr. Boyd Reed.
* Check-in time will be from 8:00am–8:30am first round starts at 9am. Game/20 min each side!
* Tournament should be over by 3:45 pm – all children must have adult supervision the whole event. There will be 6 rounds and sudden death playoffs if needed to determine champions;
* Simultaneous exhibition by National Master, David Allen from Cleveland, Ohio for children and adults; other chess greats, local and national media, tv, and radio celebrities will be at this event!
* Door prizes and more!!! Refreshments will be sold on site.
Call Mr. Shakoor (614) 800-0117 , Mr. Rodgers (618) 363-8671,
Mr. Timmy (314) 766-9115
or e-mail: urban.kings@yahoo.com
Registration & Donations to:
Diamond Shakoor Chess Fund
2000 Madison St. B222
St. Louis, MO 63106
Deadline 5/1/2013!
Name___________________age___ grade___
The RealDeal!!!