Spring Break Tourney in Orlando!
presents The Spring Break Quick Rated Tournament! Location: Coolstuff and Games $890 b/35; $30 Entry Fee; CASH payout * * * Saturday, April 13th 2013Registration: 11:15-11:45am; 1st Round starts at 12noon U2200-1st $215 2nd $125 3rd $75 G/25 D(3), 6 Rounds Quick-rated, will not affect your regular rating, but higher of regular or quick rating used for pairing and prizes. Must be a USCF Member Join or Renew on site. Contact Info: Keith Dunbar (P) 407-580-7912 Nathan Kelly (P) 718-419-8793Site: www.kingsmenchessclub.com *Unrated players or first time entry’s will receive $10 off. |