“64 Squares” rap touts HHCF themes
Get ready! This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Adisa Banjoko’s Hip Hop Chess Federation has released a teaser song on the upcoming “HHCF Street Games” mixtape for the organization.
The compilation will showcase a variety of hip-hop artists on a chess-themed CD designed to popularize chess and the themes of life strategies and non-violence. The organization started in 2007 and has held various activities which have all been covered here at The Chess Drum.
The title cut is “64 Square in the Cipher” by Sunspot Jonz, Zumbi and Rakaa Iriescience all of whom have participated in HHCF’s initiative of fusing hip-hop, chess and martial arts. This is a hard-hitting tune explaining deep themes of chess and how they relate to life itself. More coming… get ready!!
Front to back: RZA vs. Monk, Ralek Gracie vs. GZA, Amir vs. Casual, Sunspot Jonz vs. Paris at HHCF King’s Invitational in 2007. Photo by Daaim Shabazz.
From left, Rakaa Iriescience of Dilated Peoples, Daaim Shabazz, Creator/Webmaster of The Chess Drum, RZA of Wu-Tang Clan, and Josh Waitzkin, former National Chess Champion and author of the book “Art of Learning” speak on the 2007 panel at the Hip-Hop Chess Federation Tournament at the San Francisco Design Center in San Francisco. (Photo by Karna Kurata/Staff)

Adisa Banjoko on point at Harvard University.
“To no man, and no man is free from a flaw
Trying to stand my ground but my feet get tripped by the law
Nobody told Trayvon that his clock was ticking
Young black girls strip cause they pops is missing
Nobody told Oscar Grant that a Glock would hit em
And that dirty cop would barely get locked in prison“